专栏名称: 联合国
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联合国  · 公众号  · 国际  · 2024-09-29 08:00


作为2024年联合国大会高级别周的一项重要活动,纽约总部日前举行高级别全体 会议, 纪念和 推动“彻底消除核武器国际日”。 联合国秘书长古特雷斯 在开幕致辞中指出, 核武器国家仍在继续“押赌”,抵制裁军措施 。他指出,必须停止拿人类的未来作赌注,核武器国家必须兑现承诺,履行裁军义务。在消除核武器之前,这些国家应承诺在任何情况下都绝不使用核武器,并在所有与核武器有关的事务中表现出最大的透明度。



首先, 核武器的存在可以在一次攻击中毁灭整个人口、社区和城市 。它的任何使用都将引发人道主义灾难——一场跨越国界、影响我们所有人的噩梦。这些武器无法带来真正的安全或稳定,只有迫在眉睫的危险,以及对我们生存的持续威胁。

此外,尽管这些武器给人类带来了巨大的生存风险,但我们并不比10年前更接近消除这些武器。事实上, 我们正朝着完全错误的方向前进


古特雷斯表示,自冷战最糟糕的日子以来,核武器的幽灵从未投下如此阴暗的阴影。 核战争的剑拔弩张已经到了白热化的程度,我们甚至听到了使用核武器的威胁 。人们担心会出现新一轮军备竞赛。 与此同时,数十年来煞费苦心建立起来的禁止使用、扩散和试验核武器的准则正在受到侵蚀。

他同时指出,裁军和不扩散是一枚硬币的两面,一个方面的进展会对另一个方面产生推动作用。 古特雷斯秘书长 呼吁俄罗斯和美国重返核武器削减进程 ,其他核武器国家也应适时跟进。



Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

Thank you for joining us on this important day highlighting the need for the total elimination of nuclear weapons.

There should be no place for these devices of death in our world.

Nuclear weapons are a double madness.

The first madness is the existence of weapons that can wipe out entire populations, communities and cities in a single attack.

We know that any use of a nuclear weapon would unleash a humanitarian catastrophe — a nightmare spilling over borders, affecting us all.

These weapons deliver no real security or stability — only looming danger, and constant threats to our very existence.

The second madness is that, despite the enormous and existential risks these weapons pose to humanity, we are no closer to eliminating them than we were 10 years ago.

In fact, we are heading in the wrong direction entirely.

Not since the worst days of the Cold War has the specter of nuclear weapons cast such a dark shadow.

Nuclear saber-rattling has reached a fever pitch.
We have even heard threats to use a nuclear weapon. There are fears of a new arms race.

Meanwhile, the norms painstakingly established over decades against the use, spread and testing of nuclear weapons are being eroded.

Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

The first-hand, lived experience of the hibakusha — the brave survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki — stand as clear reminders of where the nuclear path ends.

They continue to sound the alarm, reminding us that we cannot afford to forget the lessons learned from those horrifying nuclear attacks in 1945.

And yet, nearly 80 years later, nuclear-weapon States continue to roll the dice, resisting disarmament measures and believing that, somehow, our luck will never run out.

But luck is not a strategy.

They must stop gambling with humanity’s future.

This starts with nuclear-weapon States honoring their commitments, and meeting their disarmament obligations.

Until nuclear weapons are eliminated, these States should commit to never use them under any circumstances. And they must demonstrate the utmost transparency in all matters related to nuclear weapons.

I also call on the Russian Federation and the United States to return to the process of nuclear arms reductions, with other nuclear-weapon States following in due course.

Disarmament and non-proliferation are two sides of the same coin.
Progress in one spurs progress in the other. States must pursue both as a matter of urgency.

Just days ago, the Summit of the Future — and the Pact for the Future that emerged — resulted in a new global commitment to revitalize the global disarmament regime, and bring our world closer to our goal of total elimination of nuclear weapons.

This goal is supported by the vast majority of Member States — including through the General Assembly’s first-ever resolution in 1946 calling for nuclear disarmament.

The time has come to take steps to ensure that a nuclear weapon is never used again.

Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

We have spent far too long living with the threat of nuclear weapons.

Previous generations learned how to hide under their desks or flee to bunkers to escape a nuclear assault.

But leaders cannot escape their overriding responsibility to take concrete steps to reduce and end the nuclear threat, once and for all.

The time for the total elimination of nuclear weapons is now.

The United Nations stands with all Member States as we work together to build the peaceful, nuclear-weapons-free future our children and grandchildren deserve.

Thank you.

