专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-03-19 09:50


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)获悉,伊朗矿业发展与革新组织 (Imidro) 的数据显示,在截至 2020 2 19 日的 11 个月内,伊朗铁精矿产量同比增长 4% ,达到 4,357 万吨。

Iranian iron ore concentrate productiongrew 4% on-year in the 11 months through 19 February 2020 to 43.57 milliontonnes, Kallanish learns from the Iranian Mines and MiningIndustries Development and Renovation Organization (Imidro).

GolGohar 是最大的生产商,产量为 1,486 万吨,其次是 Chadormalu ,产量为 890 万吨, Middle East Mines and Mineral IndustryDevelopment (Midhco) 产量为 478 万吨, Central Iron Ore 产量为 433 万吨, Gohar Zamin 产量为 420 万吨。 Sangan Opal Parsian 产量为 280 万吨, National Mining and Industrial DevelopmentCompany 产量为 220 万吨

Gol Gohar was the largest producer with14.86mt, followed by Chadormalu with 8.9mt, Middle East Mines and MineralIndustry Development (Midhco) with 4.78mt, Central Iron Ore with 4.33mtand Gohar Zamin with 4.2mt. Next came Sangan Opal Parsian with 2.8mtand National Mining and Industrial Development Company with 2.2mt.

伊朗五家主要矿商的商品原矿产量在过去 11 个月内下降 38% 370 万吨。 SabanourMining and Industrial Development Company 产量为 186 万吨、 IranianCentral Plateau Iron Ore Mines Complex 758,940 吨, Chadormalu 454,300 吨, CentralIron Ore 386,375 吨, Sangan Iron Ore Complex 247,477 吨。最后两家公司在截至 2 19 日的一个月内没有生产任何产品。

Merchant run-of-mine ore output at fivemajor Iranian miners, meanwhile, slumped -38% in the 11 months to 3.7mt.Sabanour Mining and Industrial Development Company produced 1.86mt, IranianCentral Plateau Iron Ore Mines Complex 758,940t, Chadormalu 454,300t,Central Iron Ore 386,375t and Sangan Iron Ore Complex 247,477t. The last twofirms did not produce anything in the month through 19 February.

伊朗六家大型球团矿生产企业的产量在过去 11 个月内同比下降 1% 2,486 万吨。这些生产商包括 Chadormalu Gol Gohar Midhco OpalParsian Sangan Sangan Iron Ore Complex SabanourMining

Six large Iranian pelletising firms,meanwhile, produced -1% less on-year in the 11 months at 24.86mt.The producers were Chadormalu, Gol Gohar, Midhco, Opal Parsian Sangan,Sangan Iron Ore Complex and Sabanour Mining.

伊朗 10 家主要钢铁企业的钢铁出口量在过去 11 个月内增长 6% 650 万吨(另见报道)。

Steel exports by ten major Iraniansteelmakers, meanwhile, increased 6% in the 11 months to 6.5mt ( see separatearticle ).



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