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环境人Environmentor  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-11-15 13:39


Ph.D. Research Assistantship at Texas A&M (Fall 2025)

The MSCE Lab (“Megascale”), led by Dr. Noah Yao in the Zachry Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Texas A&M University, is recruiting one Ph.D. student to start in Fall 2025. This research will focus on investigating interactions between multiphase flow and biotic/abiotic reactions, with applications in water treatment, resource recovery, and energy systems.

The Texas A&M Engineering Program ranks No. 12 nationally (U.S. News & World Report). The MSCE Lab is located in College Station, TX, a city renowned for its peaceful and safe environment. Situated within a 1.5-hour drive to Houston and Austin and a 3-hour drive to Dallas, College Station offers easy access to major cities in the region.

What do we expect from you?

  • A highly motivated individual with a strong interest in developing computational methods to explore abiotic and biotic reactions in multiphase flow.

  • Background in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) or numerical methods is required.

  • Programming proficiency in Fortran, C, C++, or relevant languages is required.

  • Prior experience with parallel programming is strongly preferred.

  • A master's degree in relevant fields, including but not limited to computational and applied mathematics, petroleum engineering, mechanical engineering, etc., is highly desirable.

What can we offer?

  • Fully cover tuition, stipend, eligible insurance/fees, and professional travel expenses

  • Build interdisciplinary skillset in environmental science & engineering, energy engineering, fluid mechanics and computational methods, data analysis and visualization, and scientific writing and communications.

  • Personal development and mentorship plan that boosts your career goals

  • Collegial and collaborative environment

How to apply?

Interested candidates are encouraged to contact Dr. Yao at [email protected] to discuss this opportunity. Please use the subject line "2025 Fall Ph.D. RA [Your Name]" (replacing [Your Name] with your actual name).

Please submit a single PDF file that includes: 1) a one-page cover letter highlighting your background, research expertise and interests (with a focus on relevance to CFD), skills, and career goals; 2) your curriculum vitae; and 3) unofficial transcripts, emphasizing courses related to CFD and numerical methods.

Formal applications through the graduate school system will be requested from strong candidates. All applicants must satisfy Texas A&M graduate program admission requirements ( https://engineering.tamu.edu/civil/admissions-and-aid/graduate-admissions/index.html ). Application consideration will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.

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