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取经号JTW  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-01-16 15:19




作者:Susanna Rusting




The movement to ban corporal punishment is gaining ground all over the world. Is Britain finally ready to give up the right to hit children?


本文选自The Guardian | 取经号原创翻译

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To say that English parents are uniquely keen on hitting their kids wouldn't be fair – even on a day when the Welsh government's announcement that it aims to outlaw corporal punishment leaves England looking isolated. What can be said with confidence is that English parents, and the MP s who represent them, appear unusually determined to hold on to the legal right to "smack" their offspring.

要说英格兰家长对揍娃这事儿有着无以伦比的热情,那是很不公平的——威尔士人打起小孩来,劲头也不差。所以即便威尔士政府宣布他们要致力于在法律层面禁止体罚,让英格兰看上去有点儿“独树一帜”,但这点仍未改变。我们可以很有把握地这样说:英格兰家长和那些代表他们的 议员 们,似乎都有着异常坚定的决心,要捍卫自己“给孩子吃耳光”的合法权利。

MP: Member of Parliament 议员

I say "smack" because that is the term most often used, though whether these blows or slaps are really distinguishable from others is a moot point. Certainly most smacks aren't issued as formal penalties, as used to happen in schools or households in which discipline was a matter of "Wait till your dad gets home". Currently the UK is one of just two countries in the EU (the other is the Czech Republic) neither to have banned corporal punishment, nor to be considering a ban.

说“吃耳光”是因为这是大家最常用的词,尽管这一巴掌打下去或者扇下去,跟其他家暴行为是否真能区分开来,还是一个 悬而未决的 问题。当然,大部分的这种打都不是正式体罚,只是学校或家里常见的那种“等你爸回来再收拾你”的处罚。目前英国是欧盟中仅有的两个既不禁止体罚、也不打算禁止的国家之一(另一个是捷克)。

moot /mut/ adj. If something is a moot point or question, people cannot agree about it. 悬而未决的、有争议的

One survey by the NSPCC reported almost half of British parents of children aged between 11 and 17 as saying they had smacked them, but the lack of international research makes comparisons difficult. In one of the few surveys of families across Europe, 70% of French parents said they had slapped a child's face, while just 8% claimed to be raising children without any violence.


It is widely agreed that corporal punishment is becoming less common in the UK, as it is in most places. But the idea that British parents should be allowed to change at our own pace, and not be threatened with sanctions, is tenacious .

人们普遍认为,就像其他国家一样,体罚在英国也越来越少见了。但“英国家长应该按着我们自己的节奏做出改变,而不是在国际制裁的威胁下被迫就范”,这种观念仍然是 根深蒂固的

tenacious /təˈneʃəs/ adj. If you describe something such as an idea or belief as tenacious, you mean that it has a strong influence on people and is difficult to change or remove. (观点、信念)根深蒂固的,深入人心的

The problem for politicians, when faced with the prospect of tabloid ire about a ban, is that the law matters. This is partly practical. Changing laws alters behaviour much more dramatically than any amount of nudging or peer pressure, though public education is important. But law is also a matter of principle. Bruce Adamson, the children's commissioner for Scotland (where the government has thrown its weight behind a ban), is a lawyer who believes the human rights case for "equal protection" from violence can no longer be ignored with regard to children.

禁令可能会激起众怒, 小报 又是看热闹不嫌事大的,对政府的骂声很快就会满天飞。面对这一危险,政客的问题在于,法律仍然事关重大。修改法律不是都能说到做到的。尽管公共教育很重要,但法律的变更对公民行为的影响力,远远超过任何程度的外界推动或同辈压力。可法律也是一个原则问题。苏格兰政府(推行父母体罚儿童禁令)的儿童专员布鲁斯·亚当森是一名律师,他认为法律应该“平等地保护”儿童免受暴力侵害,涉及儿童的人权问题不能再被忽视了。

tabloid /ˈtæblɔɪd/ n. popular newspaper withpages that are half the size of those of larger newspapers 小型报纸,小报

Just how strange it is that British children don't currently have the same protection as adults takes a bit of thinking about. Take me, a mother with a fairly quick temper. I would never set out to smack my children because I don't believe in it, but I've more than once grabbed or handled them roughly, and once slapped a leg when furious.


I'm not proud of this. In fact I'm sorry about it, and own up here only because it feels hypocritical not to. But my point is this: when it's so obviously more wrong to swear at small children, or scream insults at them, than it is to do the same to your spouse or another adult, how can it not be worse to lash out physically as well? How can it be that a defence exists for an assault on a toddler(as long as it doesn't leave a mark) that doesn't exist for an assault on a grownup?


There are two main answers to this. One of these is that smacks aren't assaults – they are punishments. The evidence, however, doesn't support this. Joan Durrant, a professor of community health sciences at the University of Manitoba in Canada, says that decades of research point to the idea of the orderly smack – delivered to teach a child a lesson – being a fallacy.


Adults mostly hit their children when enraged and out of control, and language plays a key role in masking this. Just as the term once used to describe victims of domestic violence as "battered wives" had a useful (to abusers) double meaning, suggesting someone worn out rather than beaten up, so child-hitters have their own special word: "smack" is designed to dissociate thump ing a child from other forms of violence.

成年人往往在愤怒和失控的状态下打孩子,而语言在掩盖此举的过程中起到了关键作用。正如“垮掉的妻子”曾被用于形容家暴受害者,但该词具备的双重含义(对施暴者来说)非常有用——它暗示了一个人只是疲惫不堪,而非被殴打。所以殴打儿童的人有着自己的特殊用语:“打耳光”一词由此而生,它使 殴打 儿童的行为与其他形式的暴力撇清关系了。

thump /θʌmp/ v. beat or strike or knock heavily, esp with the fist 狠打,重击,猛捶(尤指用拳)

The other justification often given is that even if hitting children is wrong, it's even more wrong for police and courts to interfere in family life. The fear of spurious prosecutions, of good and loving parents being criminalised, looms large in arguments against change. Here New Zealand offers a reassuring lesson: in the three years after the banning of physical punishment, the government found that the dread ed "unnecessary state intervention" in private homes did not happen.

另一个常见的理由是,就算打孩子是不对的,警察和法院干涉家庭生活更是错上加错。一片好心的慈爱父母被判有罪,这种对 告的担忧在反对变革的呼声中显得尤为突出。在此,新西兰交上了一份令人安心的答卷:在体罚被明令禁止之后的三年间,新西兰政府发现,人们 唯恐 出现的那种国家对私人家庭的“不必要干预”其实并未发生。

Spurious /ˈspjuərɪəs/ adj. not genuine or authentic; false or fake 假的,伪造的

dreaded /ˈdrɛdɪd/ adj. terrible and greatly feared 可怕的,令人畏惧的

Hardly anyone defends smacking per se any more. A growing body of evidence since the 1980s has shown it to be harmful rather than beneficial – as was once believed by many Christians influenced by such teachings as " spare the rod, spoil the child " – and to have links to violence of other sorts, including spousal abuse.

很少有人还会对“打耳光”本身辩护了。二十世纪八十年代以来,越来越多的证据表明,体罚有百害而无一利(过去许多基督教徒受到“ 孩子不打不成器 ”之类的教义影响而相信体罚对孩子有好处),而且体罚与包括虐待配偶在内的其他暴力之间存在联系。

Such evidence is one reason why the Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children exists, and also explains why countries including Canada have imposed age restrictions. There, smacking is only legal between the ages of two and 12. In the UK, there is no bar to parents (or any babysitter who has a parent’s permission) hitting babies or older children, while the government's recently updated definition of domestic violence includes a paragraph on adolescent abusers, and another on male victims, but almost nothing about victims under 16.


Durrant believes the real reason why hitting children is still allowed is that they lack political representatives. The "reasonable punishment" defence, she points out, dates back to ancient Rome, when it was applied to slaves, along with women and children; and a key development in the common law was the 1860 trial of Thomas Hopley, a London schoolmaster who flog ged a 15-year-old boy, Reginald Cancellor, to death, in an effort to "cure" bad behaviour. While Hopley was convicted of manslaughter , the judgment asserted that "reasonable" beating was allowed – an idea subsequently exported to British colonies worldwide.

达兰特认为,体罚儿童仍被允许的真正原因是,儿童缺少自己的政治代表。她指出,对“合理体罚”的辩护可追溯到古罗马时期,当时该理念被用于奴隶、妇女和儿童身上;而1860年对托马斯·霍普利的审判,是推动这一理念在普通法中得以体现的关键。身为伦敦一所学校校长的霍普利,将一位名为雷金纳德·坎塞勒的15岁男孩 鞭笞 致死,目的却是为了“治疗”其不良行为。虽然霍普利被判 过失杀人 ,但法庭声称“合理”殴打是法律允许的——这一观点后来也被传到了英国在全球的殖民地。

flog /flɔg/ v. beat (sb) severely, esp with a rod or whip, as a punishment 重重责打(某人)(尤指用棍棒或鞭子)

manslaughter /ˈmænslɔːtər/ n. law the crime of killing someone illegally but not deliberately 过失杀人

For many children, occasional displays of temper by a parent, sometimes accompanied by a light slap or uncomfortably firm hold, are part of life. What is increasingly clear is that the strenuous efforts to deny any connection between what is sometimes called a "loving smack" (that is, an occasional blow from a good parent) and "abuse", don't stand up. Research on the mistreatment of children shows that in many cases the cycle begins with punishment.

对许多儿童来说,父母偶尔发脾气——有时还伴随着一个轻轻的耳光或令人不适的拖拽动作——都是家常 便饭。日益明了的一点是, 试图 否认所谓“爱的耳光”(善良家长的偶尔发作)与“虐待”之间的联系,这种努力是根本站不住脚的。针对虐待儿童行为的研究表明,许多情况下,虐待儿童的恶性循环就是从体罚开始的。

strenuous /strɛnjʊəs/ adj. requiring great effort 必须努力的

There is no guarantee that a smacking ban would lead to a diminution in the kinds of child cruelty cases that make us flinch when we read about them. But it is worth noting that Sweden, the first country in the world to outlaw hitting children, has one of the lowest child abuse and homicide rates in the world.
