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每日外刊丨0117 - 军事化打击犀牛偷猎者

考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2020-01-17 15:36



犀牛角被视为一种珍贵药物在亚洲地区十分抢手。目前,犀牛角价格已被抬高至每公斤6万美金以上,高于黄金和毒品的价格。也有调查人员称,在越南黑市出售的犀牛角价格为每公斤2.4万美金以上。根据一份由一个非盈利的公益组织发布的报告称,以目前的数据计算,非洲犀牛将在未来20年时间里因偷猎而灭绝。南非国家逛公园特别行动负责人称,在南非,打击偷猎已升级为一场战争,“反偷猎行动就像是一场武装冲突。”随着世界范围内对物种和自然资源的威胁不断升级,保护越来越像战争。国家军队在刚果、喀麦隆、危地马拉、尼泊尔和印度尼西亚的保护工作中发挥了作用。英国军队已被派往马拉维提供护林员训练。总部设在美国的非营利组织“退伍军人保护非洲野生动物”(VETPAW)派遣退伍军人“领导战争”打击非洲野生动物犯罪。自然环境保护战争是一场有人伤亡的人类战争。尊敬的马塞布拉,克鲁格国家公园50多年来第一个被偷猎者杀害的护林员,在2018年7月被枪杀。国际游骑兵联合会(International Ranger Federation)报告称,2012年至2018年间,非洲各地共有269名游骑兵被杀,其中大部分是偷猎者所为。

BGM:Original (from Dolittle) - Sia


There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.


South Africa’s most recent rhino-poaching crisis came out of the blue. In 2007, the country lost just 13 rhinos to poaching; the next year, that number jumped to 83, kicking off a nightmarish escalation. South Africa is home to 93 percent of Africa’s estimated 20,000 white rhinos and 39 percent of the remaining 5,000 critically endangered black rhinos, making South Africa’s rhino crisis a global rhino crisis.

Demand for rhino horn has skyrocketed in Vietnam, where powdered horn is touted as both a hangover cure and a cancer treatment. Though it has no proven medicinal benefits—of no more value than human fingernails and hair, or horse hooves, which are made from the same material—it is associated with social status. As regional economies have boomed, its use has increased along with ordinary people’s purchasing power.

As the crisis continues, the job of protecting rhinos has changed dramatically. The South African military has stationed soldiers in the Kruger National Park. Surveillance technology like drones and light aircraft are used to spot signs of trouble. In 2012, the government body that oversees South Africa’s national parks appointed Johan Jooste, a retired military general, to oversee anti-poaching efforts. The conservation war is a human war—with human casualties.

文本选自 :The Atlantic(大西洋月刊)
作者 :Cathleen O'Grady
原文标题 :The War on Rhino Poaching Has Human Casualties
原文发布时间 :13 Jan. 2020



英 [ˈpəʊtʃɪŋ] 美 [ˈpoʊtʃɪŋ]

  • v. 水煮,炖,煨(尤指鱼);去壳水煮蛋;(在他人地界)偷猎,偷捕(poach的现在分词)


英 [ˈskaɪrɒkɪt]       美 [ˈskaɪrɑːkɪt]

  • v. 飞涨;猛涨


英 [ˈsteɪʃn]      美 [ˈsteɪʃn]

  • n. 火车站;公共汽车站;长途汽车站;站;所;局

  • v. 派驻;使驻扎;到某处站(或坐);把…安置到(某处)


英 [ˌəʊvəˈsiː]       美 [ˌoʊvərˈsiː]

  • v. 监督;监视



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