高阶双清包税。原理是利用英国的VAT号码,在荷兰清关,采用Vat Deferral On Import的方式入关,(入关VAT缓交,按照客户的最终销售额一次性完税)
EU plans VAT liability on marketplaces for Sellers’ non-EU imports Tue 6th Jun 2017. The EU’s Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECOFIN) has proposed to make online marketplaces liable for VAT remittances on goods imported from outside the EU and sold on their portals. ECOFIN is a monthly forum for the finance ministers of the each of the EU28 member states, and has a final say over key EU VAT issues. The obligation would apply to online Sellers with a turnover above €1million per annum and the goods are worth more than €150. The UK last year imposed potential limited liability measures on the marketplaces for non-EU VAT-fraudulent merchants which they allowed to continue to sell despite HMRC warnings. HMRC has estimated that fraud by Chinese Sellers on marketplaces may be costing the UK up to £1.5billion per annum. ECOFIN included the requirement in a series of amendments to the European Commission’s VAT Action Plan. The move may be aimed at tackling the problem of Chinese Sellers committing VAT fraud, but any measure must be applied in equal measure to EU businesses too. The VAT Action Plan proposes a range of VAT reforms and anti-VAT fraud measures to be phased in over the next five years. Other changes included in the ECOFIN amendments include reducing the admin burden around the proposed One-Stop-Shop for B2C goods sales.
老狼分析原因:这不是英国要脱欧了吗?欧盟不再睁一眼闭一眼的允许这种现象出现,因为电商很多使用这种方式入关之后,销售端VAT也不交,这显然是暴力抗法的所谓“避税方案”。Normally VAT needs to be paid in UK or destined countries, Customs is afraid that final VAT won’t be paid in said countries or UK.