专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-10-21 12:02


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)报道,一家印度钢厂在多次尝试后,完成一项方坯出口招标。印度贸易人士称,此前该厂未完成招标的原因是,收到的出价没有达到目标价格。

An Indianmill has awarded a billet export tender after several attempts, Kallanish notes.The mill has not been awarding tenders for this billet cargo because the bidsit received did not meet its target price, Indian trading sources say.

这批货物于 10 1 日首次进行招标。其后的投标没有完成,因为据悉该厂的保留价格为 418 美元 / fob 印度。这批货物为 3 万吨 150mm 3sp/4sp 方坯, 100% 预付款,在周一的现货招标中吸引到一个 420 美元 / fob 的出价。这批货物准备在 11 30 日前装运。

The cargowas first placed for tender on 1 October. Subsequent tenders were not awardedbecause the mill was believed to have had a reserve price of $418/tonnefob India. The cargo, for 30,000 tonnes of 150mm 3sp/4sp grade billeton 100% advance payment terms, attracted a bid of $420/t fob inMonday's spot tender. The consignment is ready to be shipped by 30November.


“It [was]finally sold,” a trader says, adding that the cargo is destined for SriLanka.

同时,越南高炉钢厂台塑河静钢铁公司上周宣布,其 12 月船期的方坯价格为 440 美元 / fob 。另一家越南钢厂在 10 5 日当周结束时以 435 美元 / fob 向中国售出 12 月船期的高炉方坯,到中国的运费在 10 美元 / 吨左右。

Meanwhile,Vietnamese blast furnace mill Formosa Ha Tin announced last week itsDecember-shipment prices for billet at $440/t fob. Another Vietnamese mill soldblast furnace billet for December shipment at $435/t fob to China at the end ofthe 5-October week. Freight to China is around $10/t.

10 月长假后重新开市以来,中国国内方坯市场一直保持稳定。截至周二,唐山方坯主流价格在 3,400 / 吨( 509 美元 / 吨),自 10 9 日以来在 3,380-4,420 / 吨的窄幅区间内波动。

The Chinesedomestic billet market has been stable since the market reopened after thelong October holiday. Domestic prices are prevailing at CNY 3,400/t ($509/t) inTangshan as of Tuesday, trading within a narrow range of CNY 3,380-4,420/tsince 9 October.

上周,台塑河静钢铁公司也公布了 12 月船期的盘条价格,直径 6.5mm SAE 1008 盘条标价为 540 美元 /
