专栏名称: 研途星辰
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跟着顶刊作图第45期 | Construction and Building Materials顶刊精美科研绘图赏析!视觉享受!

研途星辰  · 公众号  ·  · 2024-12-12 07:54


大家好,本期是跟着顶刊作图系列第45期,本系列主要是学习顶刊作图思路,激发作图灵感!今天分享的是Construction and Building Materials期刊中科研图片,其精致美观,元素搭配、字体及配色等可以重点参考!相信我们也可以做到这样!

Title:A state-of-the-art review of discrete element method for asphalt mixtures: Model generation methods, contact constitutive models and
application directions

Fig. 1. The multi-scale structure of asphalt pavement materials.

Fig. 2.  The number of articles of DEM for asphalt mixture by year.

Fig. 3. Main contents and mutual relations of DEM for asphalt mixtures by VOSviewer.

Fig. 4. Main research objectives of this review article.

Fig. 7. Representative image segmentation methods.

Fig. 11. Generation methods of 3D imaged-based models [29,51].

Fig. 13. Generation methods of real aggregate models [5461].

Fig. 15. Model assembly and system equilibrium methods.

Fig. 17. Conventional contact constitutive models for different types of contacts in asphalt mixture.

Fig. 18. Some special contact constitutive models.

Fig. 19. ATest methods for obtaining material parameters [20,21,26,62,87,95,123,124,128].

Fig. 20. Main application directions of DEM in asphalt mixture research.

资源来源:Bin Xue a, Yun Que a, Jianzhong Pei b, Xiaoyan Ma c,*, Di Wang d, Yan Yuan a, He Zhang, 2024. A state-of-the-art review of discrete element method for asphalt mixtures: Model generation methods, contact constitutive models andapplication directions. Construction and Building Materials 414, 134842.


