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高校人才网  · 公众号  · 求职  · 2017-12-25 12:29





清华-伯克利深圳学院低碳经济与金融风险分析研究实验室 2017年博士后招聘启事

清华 - 伯克利深圳学院低碳经济与金融风险分析研究实验室因科研工作与项目研究需要,拟招聘博士后研究人员 1 ( 工作地点:深圳 ) ,研究方向、岗位职责及应聘条件如下:






1. 低碳经济评价指标与温室气体排放模型;

2. 碳交易模型与碳金融研究;

3. 环境污染模型、交通排放研究、能源网络模型等大数据研究;

4. 相关之管理经济学、创新创业管理、产业经济学及其对应之政策研究 ;



1 、开展与上述方向相关的研究工作;

2 、发表高质量学术论文,参与团队研究项目;

3 、协助指导实验室的研究生;

4 、协助申报科研课题及承担相应的实验室管理工作。



1 、年龄三十五岁以下,获得博士学位后的年限不得超过两年,符合招聘岗位要求,获得经济学、金融学、管理学、环境科学、计算机技术、电气电机、物流等相关专业的博士学位,且可以全职从事博士后研究工作的人员;

2 、具有扎实的理论基础和较强分析能力,能参与团队项目实践;有过相关的课题研究经历等优先考虑;

3 、具有良好的英语读写、表达与交流能力,可以独立撰写研究论文,以第一作者在国际期刊上发表过较高质量论文的优先考虑;

4 、身体健康,具有良好的团队合作精神,严谨科学态度,能独立开展研究工作,并且有较强的主动性和动手能力;



1 、博士后在站期间薪酬大致相当于税前年收入 30 万元,由以下几个部分构成:

a) 工资 ( 税前 )7000 / 月,其中基本工资 4500 元,岗位津贴 2500 元;

b)TBSI 博士后津贴(税前) 10 万元 / 年;

c) 中期、出站考核合格的博士后,可按规定申请深圳市博士后生活补贴 ( 免税 )12 / 年。

2 、博士后本人及其配偶、未成年子女可落户深圳;

3 、博士后出站后自主择业留深从事科研工作的,可申请两年共计 30 万元的科研资助,符合条件的可认定为深圳市高层次人才或孔雀人才并享受相关人才待遇;

4 、按照博士后进站时的房源情况,为博士后提供优惠租房,在房源紧张的情况下,博士后需自行解决住房。



1 、应聘申请,包括本人意愿、工作设想、预期目标;

2 、本人简历 ( 从大学至今,时间不间断,附近照,同时包括:出生年月、教育背景、工作简历、科研成果、通讯地址及联系电话等 )

3 、充分反映本人学术的有关材料,包括:论著 ( 译著 ) 目录、论文被收录和引用情况、获奖情况和主要承担课题情况等。

应聘者请将应聘材料用附件形式 (.pdf) 发送至 [email protected] (实验室电邮,洪老师 0755-36881710 ),邮件标题为 " 应聘博士后 - 姓名 - 高校人才网 " ,条件不符请勿投递。初审合格者,另行通知面试 ( 未录用者,材料恕不退还 ) 。参加面试者需提供:学历、学位证书原件和复印件;专家推荐信和其它可证明本人能力及水平的相关资料。



Job Description:

The Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute (TBSI), located in Shenzhen, China, was jointly established in 2014 by the University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley) and Tsinghua University, with the full support from the Shenzhen Municipal Government, on the initiative of building a bridge across different disciplines, cultures and countries, and between academia and industry, as well as serving as a platform for international collaboration. TBSI consists of three multidisciplinary research centers: Environmental Science and New Energy Technology, Data Science and Information Technology, and Precision Medicine and Healthcare.

Low Carbon Economy and Financial Risk Analysis Research Laboratory(1E laboratory) focuses on energy economics and environmental economics. The laboratory invites applications for tenure-track Assistant professor/Associate Professor/Full Professor positions.


Research Fields

1E laboratory focuses on energy economics and environmental economics regarding low carbon development and climate change issues in quantitative methodology such as econometrics, optimal theory, etc.; Smart city, renewable and sustainable energy strategy, as well as management decision method, system analysis and integration; Advanced data analytics and development of mathematical methodologies for risk management problems ranging from traditional financial market to modern carbon economy.


Requirements & Responsibilities

Qualifications: successful applicants must hold a doctorate or equivalent degree. A requirement for the appointment is that the Ph.D. or equivalent degree is awarded. Having research experiences crossing different fields as well as in different institutions is strongly preferred.

• We are especially interested in applicants who are members of the Thousand Youth Talents Plan or the Thousand Talents Plan.

Ideal candidates are also expected to demonstrate strong communication and teaching skills in English and leadership, as well as the ability to actively contribute to our rapidly growing research efforts at TBSI.

A strong commitment to graduate teaching and advising is essential. Teaching responsibilities will include participation in and development of graduate courses, and strong engagement in our core curriculum. Supervision of doctoral and M.S.-degree students and academic advising of trainees at all levels are also expected.


Salary and Benefits

Annual Salary

The successful applicant will receive a competitive salary that is commensurate with experience and academic accomplishments. Annual salary ranges from CNY400,000 - 1,200,000 (pre-tax).

Research Start-up Package

TBSI will provide research start-up funding for eligible candidate who has been recognized by High-Level Talents plan of Shenzhen, which funding should abide by related TBSI policy. Research start-up package ranges from CNY1,000,000 - 10, 000,000 depending on entry-level and other factors.

Moving/Relocation Allowance

Moving (relocation) allowance ranges from CNY200,000 - 400,000(pre-tax).

Government Talents' Plan Allowance*

TBSI offers assistance to faculty and researchers in their applications for talents' allowance up to CNY3,000,000 sponsored by the Shenzhen Government, as well as other Shenzhen high-level talents plans.

Admin Support

Each lab will be supported with one secretary and one engineer.

Student& Postdoc Recruiting

Faculty members may compete for TBSI-funded researchers, typically one postdoctoral fellow, one Ph.D. student, and several master degree students, if applicable.



Shenzhen, China



To apply, please send the following documents via email to [email protected] with the email subject as "Lab1e – Job Title – Full Name of Applicant", for example,

"Lab 1e-Assistant Prof.-San ZHANG". Applications will be considered on receipt. Applications will be considered until the position is filled.

a) Curriculum Vitae, including a publication list

b) Application Form (Please download the blank form from TBSI's official website at:http://www.tbsi.edu.cn/jobs)

c) PDF copies of 3 to 5 representative publications

d) Arrange 3 to 5 reference letters sent from renowned experts in related fields (the letters must be emailed to us directly from the recommenders, as opposed to be forwarded from the applicant), or contact information of 5 to 10 referees including mailing address, e-mail address, and phone number

e) Statement of Research (< 2 pages)

f) Statement of Teaching (< 1 page)

All letters will be treated as confidential.


Contact Us

For questions regarding the position(s), please contact us via email at [email protected]

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