图1 全球石油天然气的生产成本已经下降了29%
图中应注意:1. 数据来源于从2008年起到现在代表着整个产业1/3支出的37家天然气和石油公司的公共报告。2. 由22家公司季度报告估计得到。
图2 自2013年以来,安全事故频率稳步下降。
图3 自2013年以来,沿海的石油产量降低了15%
图中应注意:1. 通过对来自墨西哥湾、巴西、挪威和英国的400多个海上石油生产商(每天平均总产量为一千万桶)的生产数据进行分析。
North Sea有关如何降低成本的观点
图4 运营成本是如何降低的
How will fluctuations in the oil and gas industry around the world impact
A lot of time and money is spent on trying to predict the
future. There are organizations built around it, millions of dollars
spent on it and alas – as those in the UK and United States experienced
first-hand in the political landscape of 2016 – they don’t always get
it right (if I’m going there, I might as well say they got it downright wrong.)
Companies will pay big bucks for advisors to do what they do best
and advise on what to expect in coming years. If Blockbuster knew that
one day internet streaming of films would become as big as it has, I’m
pretty sure they’d have moved much faster.
Staying ahead of the game is one of the cornerstones of
successful capitalist participants, and one of the biggest players in
the capitalist world is the oil industry: the Organization of the
Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) – nations such as Saudi Arabia,
Iran, Algeria and Qatar – earned over $982 billion in net oil exports
in 2013 alone. That figure doesn’t even include revenues from the
United States, Europe or Far East Asia.
Peak Predictions, Price Continue to Fluctuate
Year-on-year, there are predictions of when the world will run out
of oil. It’s certainly a worry on a planet that massively depends on it
for transport, machinery, heating, lighting and more. (Check out this
timeline of "oil peak" dates that have been called in the past and that
have come and gone without apocalypse).
Now, governments and oil and gas companies are funding research into sustainable alternatives as we continue
down the path of preparation for the day the oil runs out.
Interestingly, what we’ve seen in recent years is so much supply from
OPEC – in a bid to defend their market share against the United States –
that the price of oil fell from $113 per barrel in 2013 to just $32
per barrel in 2016. This came as the industry was still recovering from
the significant drop in 2008; the shock of which was heightened by experts’ claims just months before that oil was about to reach $200 per barrel. They were only around $150/barrel off the mark.
Not surprisingly, this has had major ramifications for oil and gas
companies throughout the world. Globally, over 350,000 workers have
lost their jobs since the dip in 2014. Prices are picking up three
years later, but only after OPEC and Russia agreed to curb production rates as the negative effects of cheap oil reached the economies of member countries. The industry is recovering, but a barrel of oil will still only
set you back $50. We might, in fact, be defying all oil-Armageddon
prognoses to date, and instead be experiencing peak demand long before
peak supply. Whoever would have thunk it?
Profits and the Path to Redemption
Combine subdued production with the oil-and-gas-friendly rhetoric
from the Trump administration, and it’s plausible that the industry
could be on the path to redemption. President Donald Trump has
already, although controversially, signed executive orders on
advancing the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines, and the United
States looks set to be a net exporter of oil by 2050 (again with those
As regulations are cut by the Trump administration, profits will
likely start to climb. So, does more profit potentially mean more
investment in EHS, right? Well, not without the worry that the very
change that leads to increased profits also wipes out the need for EHS
spending: deregulation. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) already is anticipating taking a massive hit to its funding.
Are executives committed to EHS morally, and not just because
compliance with existing regulations is mandated? Do you dare predict
what will happen?
What Is the Role of EHS?
With the oil industry rebounding, the hope is that the upturn will
have a positive effect on EHS. Actually, despite thousands of job
losses and cost-cutting, the oil and gas industry remains the biggest
spender on EHS and sustainability software, accounting for $342
million-worth of fees in 2016, or 37 percent of the entire global
market, according to Verdantix. This may come as a surprise when other
studies reveal that only 10 percent of oil and gas companies expect to increase EHS budgets in 2017, while 19 percent of DNV GL survey respondents say cost-cutting in the industry is raising health and safety risk at their organizations.
Unfortunately, the man who predicted the 2014 crash is predicting
another later in 2017. Whether this is “future babble” or not,
expectations of downturns in the oil and gas industry will have one of
two outcomes for EHS: it either will take a backseat, losing funding
while witnessing decreased morale in the face of redundancies and cuts,
or organizations will maintain its importance in order to avoid worsening an already bad situation.
As the Chinese NOC’s Deputy DG Ye Hua Huang, states, “We all need to be careful about safety all the time – no matter what the oil price is. It can never be compromised.”
Can We Look Forward by Looking Back?
Are you familiar with the saying, “What goes down, must come up?”
Perhaps not, but you probably do know its evil twin. With every dip the
oil and gas industry has ever experienced, there has come a turning
point (see Figure 1, Crude Oil Prices 70-Year Historical Chart).
The price of oil bounces back, profits gain pace and there’s the onboarding of thousands of workers to support demand. Take the fact that the oil and gas sector not only
still exists but is the third-most-profitable industry in the world as
evidence that challenges have been overcome ever since its emergence
in the early 1900s. As for where we are now, predictions for 2017 vary widely.
I already mentioned that the man behind the 2014 crash prediction is taking a similar stance this year, but this is almost completely in contrast
to the rhetoric of OPEC and Russia (who so far are sticking to
promises to curb oil production until prices stabilize – a wise move).
It is encouraging to note that while prices find a new equilibrium, big
oil and gas companies are funding research into sustainable
alternatives such as the new PREP C20, a “powerful and sophisticated
solution designed to fractionate large amounts of polymer, in
an entirely automatic process.” It might not so much be when the upturn
hits, but when the significant shift starts to take effect.
Up? Down? Whatever happens, we know for sure that the world is not
stagnant. A number of emerging industries are set to effect economies,
workplaces and everyday life on a global scale – oil and gas is an
industry that will more than notice the rise of artificial intelligence
and automation.
The description of PREP C20 says it all: “An entirely
automatic process.” EHS in oil and gas dramatically will change as less
human intervention is required and exposure to human error is reduced.
The laws of exponential growth dictate that the more we discover, the faster we discover. Changes to how the industry goes about its daily business might be about to get a whole lot more disruptive than the fluctuating price of oil has been.
Clue to the Bigger Picture
Unfortunately, I have not landed on that gold mine. I don’t know
what’s going to happen to the price of oil or its effects on EHS, and I
don’t know when my colleague will be replaced with a robot and when I
will be replaced with its robot friend.
Predictions are extremely helpful for planning, and nowhere
is that truer than in the EHS profession: leading indicators and the
availability of ever-more data are helping organizations identify
trends and avoid similar dangerous situations in the future. But as
Niels Bohr, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist said, “It’s hard to make
predictions, especially about the future.”
In the period of fast change that approaches, only businesses that ride the innovation tide likely will succeed and it won’t be easy. The EHS professional
will be instrumental in this era. Expect a heck of a lot of in-game
time on that management of change software, but equipment upgrades
won't be the only change you'll have to manage. Worker
attitudes will vary, workforces will be streamlined, new processes will
be required and you’ll still be arguing the case of EHS investment to
the board. (But maybe they’ll all be computers and will be able to work
it out for themselves that continued EHS encouragement is crucial in any high-risk company’s success. Who knows?)
Then again, that is a prediction. Despite knowing that “it’s hard to make predictions, especially about
the future,” what are your predictions for the coming challenges in
oil and gas? Is speed of change on your agenda as an EHS professional?
Surely, the only thing we know for sure is that nothing is for
sure – and the track record of the price of oil vs. the track record
of expert predictions on the price of oil seems like a good indicator
of that to me.
The overarching challenge for you is making EHS excellence the constant come hell, high water, hostile markets… or complete industry overhaul.