The pros and
cons of corporate uniforms
A quarter of
the American workforce wears one. Why?
If you work in a white-collar job in an office and make
your way there this week, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to guess
exactly what you do from your clothes. That is not true for lots of the people
you will interact with.
The bus driver who gets you to your destination, the
who makes your coffee and the people on reception who wish you “good morning” as you enter the building—they, and many others, are likely to be wearing some kind of corporate uniform.
A poll of American workers conducted last summer by Gallup found that although most employees wear casual clothes—some smart, some really not—almost a quarter donned a uniform.
For employers who require them, there are several
arguments in favour of uniforms. They help ensure a level of professionalism in
appearance. They project a brand identity, from the red coats of Virgin
Atlantic crew to the “Browns” uniform of UPS delivery drivers.
对于要求员工穿制服的雇主来说,有几个支持制服的论点。制服有助于确保外观的专业性。从维珍航空机组人员的红色大衣到 UPS 送货司机的“布朗”制服,制服都能体现品牌形象。
They may have useful job-specific features: chefs’ jackets are double-breasted to protect against burns and can be reversed to hide stains. They send a clear signal to customers about whom they should approach with questions, avoiding those awkward “do you work here?” moments.
Those customers draw different conclusions if staff are
in uniform, for good and bad. A study by Robert Smith of Tilburg University and
his colleagues asked people to imagine being on the receiving end of poor
service when picking up a pizza.
They were then shown pictures of uniformed or non-uniformed employees; the person who had notionally treated them badly was circled. Participants were more likely to blame the company than the individual or the circumstances for a bad experience when a uniform was involved.
If corporate clothing makes each worker seem more representative of their employers, the authors suggest that it may be a good idea not to give it to inexperienced workers.
Uniforms can also affect the psychology of employees.
In 2012 Hajo Adam, now of the University of Bath, and Adam Galinsky, now of
Columbia Business School, coined the term “
enclothed cognition
” to describe the
effect that specific clothes have on the way that people think and feel.
Questions have been raised over the validity of enclothed cognition, but a new meta-analysis by Messrs Adam and Galinsky, along with Carl Blaine Horton of Columbia Business School, concludes that the phenomenon is real.
In one study Guillaume Pech of Université Libre de
Bruxelles and Emilie Caspar of Ghent University gave participants the option to
administer electric shocks to other people in return for money; those dressed
up in Red Cross uniforms showed more empathy than those in normal outfits.
Xuehua Wang of Asia Europe Business School and her co-authors found that formal clothes made people more likely to make healthy eating choices.
According to a paper by Saaid Mendoza of Providence College and Elizabeth Parks-Stamm of University of Southern Maine, people who wore a police uniform during a video-game simulation designed to test reaction times were more likely than those in their own clothes to shoot unarmed targets.
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