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e新商务  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-11-28 16:18


本期朗读者:商务部欧洲司  宋大洋

近日,崔天凯大使接受了《华尔街日报》(Wall Street Journal)记者杰拉德·赛博(Gerald Seib)和鲍勃·戴维斯(Bob Davis)的专访,就中美关系、中美贸易问题等回答了提问。

Ambassador Cui Tiankai recently had an interview with Wall Street Journal's Gerald Seib and Bob Davis, on topics include China-U.S. relations and bilateral trade issues.


Here is the edited transcript:


WSJ : You mention that we need sufficient good will and good faith to proceed with trade negotiation. How do you judge and measure that?

崔大使: 在这样的磋商中,立场一定要清楚、连贯,如果有一方一直在变,这对磋商无益。

Ambassador Cui: For a negotiation like this, people have to make their position clear and consistent. If their position is shifting all the time, I don’t think it’s helpful for any negotiation.


Number two, if there is some agreement, people have to remain committed to this agreement and try to make further progress. You cannot have some tentative agreement one day and reject it next day.


We fully understand that the U.S. side, the current administration, they love the principle of mutual respect, fairness, and reciprocity. Then people make all of these comments and statements without any sense of mutual respect, without any indication of fairness. How can we have mutual confidence to proceed with a negotiation?


WSJ: How have U.S.-China relations changed over the course of the administration?

崔大使: 两国领导人去年4月在海湖庄园的会晤十分成功。他们彼此结识并建立了良好关系,都对首次见面感到满意。去年11月特朗普总统对华国事访问也非常成功。

Ambassador Cui: We had the Mar-a-Lago summit, April last year, which was a great success. I think both our leaders were happy about their first meeting. They got to know each other. They were on very friendly terms. Then President Trump made his state visit to China last November. It was also a successful one.


In the meantime, we did have a number of very high-level dialogues. We had the first round of all of these four high-level dialogues: Diplomatic and Security Dialogue, Comprehensive Economic Dialogue, People-to-People Exchange Dialogue, and also Law Enforcement and Cybersecurity Dialogue.


Of course, we also have problems. The trade issues have not been solved yet. There is also the action taken by the administration and also some of the legislation on the Capitol Hill with regard to Taiwan and the American growing military presence in South China Sea. There are also possible restrictions on people-to-people exchanges between our two countries, and all such talks about all the Chinese students here are spies.


I think this is really poisoning the overall relationship, especially the understanding and friendship of the two peoples. I don’t know where all this originated, but this is really alarming.


WSJ: What do you expect from the coming G-20 meeting?

崔大使: 中方期待着,也许我们的美方同事也同样期待着,两国元首在阿根廷再次会晤时将全面回顾北京会晤后中美关系的发展。此次会晤在时间上距特朗普总统对中国的国事访问刚好一年多。

Ambassador Cui: I think we would expect, and maybe our American colleagues would also expect, that when the two presidents see each other again in Argentina, they will review the overall situation of the bilateral relations, maybe since their last face-to-face meeting in Beijing. It’s been just over one year since President Trump’s state visit to China if they meet again in Buenos Aires in late November.


So I think it’s necessary for the two leaders to review the developments of the relations, and also give us a clear strategic guidance on where the relationship is going and how the two sides should conduct this important and complicated relationship together. Hopefully, this meeting will enable us to make further progress on many fronts, including on the economic and trade issues.


WSJ: Some people China would rely on as sort of back channel, intermediaries, don’t have the clout that they once did. What’s your take on this?

崔大使: 我认为这首先不是中方的问题,而是美方自己的问题。如果不听取经验丰富人士的意见,怎能更好维护美国的利益呢?

Ambassador Cui: I think, first of all, this is not a problem for China. This is a problem for America itself. What will serve the best interests of the United States if we don’t listen to these experienced people?


We have to talk to people in the administration in order to arrive at a solution of the problem. But at the same time, I think advice and assistance from people like Former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson and others is extremely helpful. I think that both sides should make best use of their experience. We should listen to their advice seriously.


And I, myself, I’m talking to people like Secretary Paulson, Dr. Henry Kissinger, Mr. Steve Schwarzman and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce here in Washington very often. I want to listen to their advice, their assessment of the situation and their views about the effective ways of solving the problem.


WSJ: Are you concerned about the possible economic fall out from the trade battle?

崔大使: 问题关键在于,如果事态继续像现在这样发展,就会产生真正的风险,全球市场可能会被撕裂。

Ambassador Cui: The problem is that if things go on like this, there’s a real risk the global market might become fragmented.


In the last few decades, we’ve seen a clear trend for the global market to be really globalized with the establishment of World Trade Organization itself and with so-called emerging market economies like China, Russia, all the rest, joining the WTO. And we do see the restructuring of the global supply chain, integrating most of the countries.


But if we allow the current situation to go on, not only between China and the United States, but also between the U.S. and other countries and also on the multilateral front, there’s a real risk that the integrating global market might become fragmented. I don’t know whether this will serve the interests of any country. I don’t think that this will serve the interests of China. I don’t think it will serve the interests of the United States.

