专栏名称: 深圳外贸圈
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深圳外贸圈  · 公众号  · 深圳  · 2017-04-11 08:20


前序: 重要通知!!印度将于4.19日开始无限期罢工,届时将会发生柜子卸不了船或者柜子滞留港口不能提货,印度法律规定允许不付款不提货不用承担法律责任,印度海关允许30天堆放,若进口商不申请延期货物将会被拍卖。请谨慎发货,建议罢工平息后再发往印度!


Dear Valued Customer,

Due to strong demand for exports in corridors from North Europe to Middle East, Red Sea and IPBS region, and a significant amount of bookings cancelled shortly before cargo cut off, which leads to inability to accept bookings from other interested customers, we have decided to introduce a booking cancellation fee for all export shipments on above mentioned corridors, effective 10th April

Booking Cancellation Fee tariff will be 125 EUR per container (or 135 USD per container for those countries where EUR currency is not used), independent of equipment type or size

Booking Cancellation Fee will apply for all bookings cancelled 7 calendar days or less prior ETD

Reducing number of containers in a booking will be treated as booking cancellation and charged the same way. The fee will apply for any container reduction
