Nature 548 (2017年8月10日)
中新世(2300万-530万年前)的地球至少生活着30个属40个种的猿。但是,人们鲜少发现完整的颅骨证据。只有少数种的猿,人们掌握了除面部和上颚以外的头骨证据,因此可以指示人族和现代猿类近亲头骨状态的信息较为有限。这类证据在非洲尤其匮乏,此前未有发现1400万-1000万年前的颅骨遗骸。Isaiah Nengo及同事描述了一个在肯尼亚发现的幼猿头骨。该猿拥有1300万年的历史,被划归为Nyanzapithecus属的一个新种。证据显示,虽然它与长臂猿拥有某些相似之处,但是这些相似点非常可能由趋同适应引起,而这一新种是现存猿类共同祖先的近亲。
New infant cranium from the African Miocene sheds light on ape evolution
The evolutionary history of extant hominoids (humans and apes) remains poorly understood. The African fossil record during the crucial time period, the Miocene epoch, largely comprises isolated jaws and teeth, and little is known about ape cranial evolution. Here we report on the, to our knowledge, most complete fossil ape cranium yet described, recovered from the 13 million-year-old Middle Miocene site of Napudet, Kenya. The infant specimen, KNM-NP 59050, is assigned to a new species of Nyanzapithecus on the basis of its unerupted permanent teeth, visualized by synchrotron imaging. Its ear canal has a fully ossified tubular ectotympanic, a derived feature linking the species with crown catarrhines. Although it resembles some hylobatids in aspects of its morphology and dental development, it possesses no definitive hylobatid synapomorphies. The combined evidence suggests that nyanzapithecines were stem hominoids close to the origin of extant apes, and that hylobatid-like facial features evolved multiple times during catarrhine evolution.
Nature 548 (2017年8月3日)
Hypothalamic stem cells control ageing speed partly through exosomal miRNAs
It has been proposed that the hypothalamus helps to control ageing, but the mechanisms responsible remain unclear. Here we develop several mouse models in which hypothalamic stem/progenitor cells that co-express Sox2 and Bmi1 are ablated, as we observed that ageing in mice started with a substantial loss of these hypothalamic cells. Each mouse model consistently displayed acceleration of ageing-like physiological changes or a shortened lifespan. Conversely, ageing retardation and lifespan extension were achieved in mid-aged mice that were locally implanted with healthy hypothalamic stem/progenitor cells that had been genetically engineered to survive in the ageing-related hypothalamic inflammatory microenvironment. Mechanistically, hypothalamic stem/progenitor cells contributed greatly to exosomal microRNAs (miRNAs) in the cerebrospinal fluid, and these exosomal miRNAs declined during ageing, whereas central treatment with healthy hypothalamic stem/progenitor cell-secreted exosomes led to the slowing of ageing. In conclusion, ageing speed is substantially controlled by hypothalamic stem cells, partially through the release of exosomal miRNAs.
Nature 547 (2017年7月13日)
炎症性肠病(IBD)的全基因组关联研究(GWAS)已经发现了200多个与该疾病有关联的位点,但是只有少数这些位点的致病变异得到解析。在本文中,黄海亮及同事运用 67,852个个体中的高密度基因分型,对94个IBD易感位点进行了精细化定位。他们采用了多项新型精细化定位方法,鉴定了139个独立关联位点,其中18个精确到单个致病变异,确定性 >95%。该研究向我们展示了如何运用大样本中的高密度基因分型进行精细化定位来解析GWAS位点的致病变异,这种方法或许能用于发现其它复杂性状。若要查看精细化定位的详细结果和注释,请访问http://finemapping.broadinstitute.org
Fine-mapping inflammatory bowel disease loci to single-variant resolution
Inflammatory bowel diseases are chronic gastrointestinal inflammatory disorders that affect millions of people worldwide. Genome-wide association studies have identified 200 inflammatory bowel disease-associated loci, but few have been conclusively resolved to specific functional variants. Here we report fine-mapping of 94 inflammatory bowel disease loci using high-density genotyping in 67,852 individuals. We pinpoint 18 associations to a single causal variant with greater than 95% certainty, and an additional 27 associations to a single variant with greater than 50% certainty. These 45 variants are significantly enriched for protein-coding changes (n = 13), direct disruption of transcription-factor binding sites (n = 3), and tissue-specific epigenetic marks (n = 10), with the last category showing enrichment in specific immune cells among associations stronger in Crohn’s disease and in gut mucosa among associations stronger in ulcerative colitis. The results of this study suggest that high-resolution fine-mapping in large samples can convert many discoveries from genome-wide association studies into statistically convincing causal variants, providing a powerful substrate for experimental elucidation of disease mechanisms.
Nature 547 (2017年7月27日)
Maternal H3K27me3 controls DNA methylation-independent imprinting
Mammalian sperm and oocytes have different epigenetic landscapes and are organized in different fashions. After fertilization, the initially distinct parental epigenomes become largely equalized with the exception of certain loci, including imprinting control regions. How parental chromatin becomes equalized and how imprinting control regions escape from this reprogramming is largely unknown. Here we profile parental allele-specific DNase I hypersensitive sites in mouse zygotes and morula embryos, and investigate the epigenetic mechanisms underlying these allelic sites. Integrated analyses of DNA methylome and tri-methylation at lysine 27 of histone H3 (H3K27me3) chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by sequencing identify 76 genes with paternal allele-specific DNase I hypersensitive sites that are devoid of DNA methylation but harbour maternal allele-specific H3K27me3. Interestingly, these genes are paternally expressed in preimplantation embryos, and ectopic removal of H3K27me3 induces maternal allele expression. H3K27me3-dependent imprinting is largely lost in the embryonic cell lineage, but at least five genes maintain their imprinted expression in the extra-embryonic cell lineage. The five genes include all paternally expressed autosomal imprinted genes previously demonstrated to be independent of oocyte DNA methylation. Thus, our study identifies maternal H3K27me3 as a DNA methylation-independent imprinting mechanism.
Nature 547 (2017年7月13日)
Allelic reprogramming of 3D chromatin architecture during early mammalian development
In mammals, chromatin organization undergoes drastic reprogramming after fertilization. However, the three-dimensional structure of chromatin and its reprogramming in preimplantation development remain poorly understood. Here, by developing a low-input Hi-C (genome-wide chromosome conformation capture) approach, we examined the reprogramming of chromatin organization during early development in mice. We found that oocytes in metaphase II show homogeneous chromatin folding that lacks detectable topologically associating domains (TADs) and chromatin compartments. Strikingly, chromatin shows greatly diminished higher-order structure after fertilization. Unexpectedly, the subsequent establishment of chromatin organization is a prolonged process that extends through preimplantation development, as characterized by slow consolidation of TADs and segregation of chromatin compartments. The two sets of parental chromosomes are spatially separated from each other and display distinct compartmentalization in zygotes. Such allele separation and allelic compartmentalization can be found as late as the 8-cell stage. Finally, we show that chromatin compaction in preimplantation embryos can partially proceed in the absence of zygotic transcription and is a multi-level hierarchical process. Taken together, our data suggest that chromatin may exist in a markedly relaxed state after fertilization, followed by progressive maturation of higher-order chromatin architecture during early development.
Nature 548 (2017年8月3日)
Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate and aldolase mediate glucose sensing by AMPK
The major energy source for most cells is glucose, from which ATP is generated via glycolysis and/or oxidative metabolism. Glucose deprivation activates AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), but it is unclear whether this activation occurs solely via changes in AMP or ADP, the classical activators of AMPK. Here, we describe an AMP/ADP-independent mechanism that triggers AMPK activation by sensing the absence of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate (FBP), with AMPK being progressively activated as extracellular glucose and intracellular FBP decrease. When unoccupied by FBP, aldolases promote the formation of a lysosomal complex containing at least v-ATPase, ragulator, axin, liver kinase B1 (LKB1) and AMPK, which has previously been shown to be required for AMPK activation. Knockdown of aldolases activates AMPK even in cells with abundant glucose, whereas the catalysis-defective D34S aldolase mutant, which still binds FBP, blocks AMPK activation. Cell-free reconstitution assays show that addition of FBP disrupts the association of axin and LKB1 with v-ATPase and ragulator. Importantly, in some cell types AMP/ATP and ADP/ATP ratios remain unchanged during acute glucose starvation, and intact AMP-binding sites on AMPK are not required for AMPK activation. These results establish that aldolase, as well as being a glycolytic enzyme, is a sensor of glucose availability that regulates AMPK.
Nature 547 (2017年7月6日)
在本周的特刊中,《自然》将目光瞄准了生命最基本的组成部分:细胞。技术进步为此前无法在单细胞层面完成的研究分析提供了可能。因此,研究人员终于开始统计在复杂有机体中存在多少种不同类型的细胞,它们的作用是什么,以及它们如何发育变化。一篇新闻特写(p.20)仔细分析了追踪细胞谱系的过程,并且刊登了Aviv Regev的人物简介(p.24)——她带领编录了所有人体细胞种类。在另一篇文章中,研究人员探索了在细胞分裂周期内,小鼠细胞基因组是如何包装的(p.61),以及这对于探索三维基因组交互可能存在的意义(p.34)。Amir Giladi和Ido Amit讨论了对免疫细胞的集中研究可以如何帮助我们对抗癌症等疾病(p.27)。一篇职业采访讲述了进入单细胞研究领域的原因(p.129),工具箱文章则重点讨论了如何以最佳方式探查随着领域的扩展而不断产生的数据(p.125)。
Cell-cycle dynamics of chromosomal organization at single-cell resolution