Stratified Spatial Mobility in the Chinese Bureaucracy:
Further Explorations
2021 年 02 月 24 日 11 PM(
2021 年 02 月 24 日 3 PM(伦敦时间)
2021 年 02 月 24 日 10 AM(美东EST)
政府官员的空间流动是中国国家治理中政治控制的一个重要机制。周雪光教授及合作者(2016;Zhou et al,2018)提出了空间层级分流的理论模型,并展示了一系列经验证据。本期讲座,周教授将与我们分享他这一研究的最新进展。他将从两方面对层级分流模式进一步探讨,推进这一研究方向:
Spatial mobility among officials has been an important mechanism of political control in China’s governance. Zhou and collaborators (2016; Zhou et. al 2018) proposed a model of stratified spatial mobility across administrative jurisdictions and presented a series of empirical evidence. This talk advances this line of research by the further exploration of stratified mobility patterns on two fronts:
(1) We develop theoretical arguments on mechanisms of political control and centralization, and present related empirical evidence;
(2) We contrast patterns of spatial vs. local mobility and examine their implications for governance in China. Our empirical study examines the mobility patterns of chief officials in bureaus and offices in a large bureaucracy—local governments in Jiangsu Province of China, from 1990 to 2012.
周雪光,斯坦福大学社会学系教授,李国鼎(Kwoh-Ting Li)经济发展讲座教授,弗里曼·斯伯格里(Freeman Spogli)国际问题研究所高级研究员。在过去十年中,周雪光教授从事了一系列田野调查,旨在认识国家政策、地方官员和基层民众之间的互动。这一研究工作成果结集于《中国国家治理的制度逻辑:一个组织学研究》(中文,三联出版社,2017)。目前,周教授及其研究团队从事中国政府部门人事流动和人事管理模式的研究工作。此外,他的另一研究课题是中国官僚制国家的历史渊
Xueguang Zhou is a professor of sociology, the Kwoh-Ting Li Professor in Economic Development, and a senior fellow at Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford University. In the past decade, he conducted fieldwork to understand interactions among state policies, local officials and citizens at the grassroots level. This line of research was summarized in his book The Institutional Logic of Governance in China: An Organizational Approach (in Chinese, Sanlian Press, 2017). Professor Zhou currently works with a research team to examine patterns of personnel flow among government offices in the Chinese bureaucracy. He also conducts research on the historical origins of the bureaucratic state in China.
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