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搜建筑  · 公众号  · 建筑设计  · 2024-07-07 13:32


本文介绍了Tiffany & Co.在上海前滩太古里店的最新立面设计,由MVRDV完成。立面由6,988颗手工制作的玻璃“钻石”组成,白天闪耀夺目,晚上通过LED照明呈现熠熠光辉。设计融入当地特色元素,灵感来自上海城市天际线明亮多彩的灯光秀。文章还提到了该设计的细节和特色,包括玻璃钻石的尺寸、重量、悬挂方式以及立面拆卸回收的可持续性。


关键观点1: MVRDV为Tiffany & Co.在上海前滩太古里店完成立面设计。


关键观点2: 立面设计的特色和创新点。


关键观点3: 设计的可持续性和环保性。



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Tiffany & Co. 蒂芙尼上海前滩太古里店


图片 Image: © Wen Studio

MVRDV最新完成了Tiffany & Co. 蒂芙尼前滩太古里店的立面设计。以品牌著名的珠宝设计为灵感,店铺外墙由6,988颗手工制作的玻璃“钻石”组成。白天,“钻石”或反射或折射周围环境的光线,闪耀夺目;到了晚上,LED照明为立面投射出熠熠光辉。

Located in the Taikoo-Li Qiantan retail development, Tiffany & Co.’s store in Shanghai features a jewel-inspired façade designed by MVRDV. With an external screen composed of 6,988 handcrafted glass “diamonds”, the façade evokes clear associations to Tiffany’s renowned jewelry designs. During the day, these elements reflect and refract the surroundings, resulting in a glittering effect, while at night the façade’s LED lighting allows the store to shine in an infinite range of colours.

图片 Image: © Wen Studio


The store takes a prominent position on the central axis of Taikoo Li Qiantan, a retail centre that was completed in 2021. With the southern half of this retail zone dedicated to a wide range of luxury brands, MVRDV’s design stands out from the crowd with a bold and deceptively simple concept: a façade made of diamonds.

图片 Image: © Wen Studio

看似简单的设计背后蕴含着设计师对蒂芙尼品牌和历史的深刻理解。前滩太古里店延续了 MVRDV对蒂芙尼店铺立面的设计策略,包括2023年同样由MVRDV设计完成的蒂芙尼新加坡樟宜机场店。MVRDV的设计策略强调创新材料、强烈的立体感和视觉吸引力,以此向蒂芙尼的品牌传统致敬。在上海前滩店,所有这些策略都体现在“钻石”屏风般的立面中。看似随机分布的“钻石”在某些区域稀薄排列,例如二层露台的咖啡厅,从而提高室内空间的可见度。

Despite its apparent simplicity, this idea is underpinned by a deep understanding of Tiffany’s identity and history. The project represents a continuation of MVRDV’s strategy for Tiffany façade designs, which was first implemented last year at Singapore’s Changi Airport. This approach pays homage to Tiffany’s heritage by placing an emphasis on concepts such as innovative materiality, a strong sense of three-dimensionality, and the ability to spark wonder in onlookers. In Shanghai, all of these principles find their expression in the screen of glass diamonds. These are placed to give a randomly scattered effect, thinning out for greater visibility where needed, such as alongside the first-floor balcony that accompanies the store’s café.

图片 Image: © Wen Studio


Each of these glass diamonds is 21 centimetres wide and 13 centimetres tall, weighing 1.5 kilograms. They are suspended on thin steel cables, which are coated in a mirrored steel finish and placed in high tension between the top and bottom frames of the structure. Specially designed steel fixtures, designed to be as small and unobtrusive as possible, ensure the diamonds do not move or spin on their supports. Thanks to the design’s attention to detail, the façade only uses mechanical connections, allowing it to be completely dismantled and its parts reused or recycled in the future.

图片 Image: © Wen Studio

与 MVRDV 之前设计的蒂芙尼新加坡樟宜机场店一样,上海前滩太古里店的外墙也融入了当地特色元素,灵感来自上海城市天际线明亮多彩的灯光秀。因此,立面在顶部和底部都安装了低能耗的变色LED 照明系统,可以满足任何颜色的灯光需求,包括标志性的蒂芙尼蓝®,而玻璃“钻石”的折射效果能够为每种颜色都赋予更加丰富的变化和层次。

Like MVRDV’s previous design for Tiffany’s Singapore Airport store, the façade for the Shanghai store incorporates a characteristic element from the local surroundings – in this case, being inspired by the bright and colourful light displays of Shanghai’s skyline. Therefore, the project integrates low-energy, colour-changing LED lighting into both the top and bottom of the façade. The façade can thus be lit in any colour, including the trademark Tiffany Blue ®, with each colour being brought to life by the refractive effects of the glass diamonds.

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