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豆瓣阅读  · 公众号  · 读书  · 2017-06-16 21:34






Eowyn Ivey, Author of The Snow Child


Fireside Books (Palmer, Alaska)

2001年,Eowyn Ivey 的家乡一家书店即将开业,她激动不已。10年后,她入围普利策奖的小说 The Snow Child 出版,这家书店卖出了最多本。


In the fall of 2001, a sign appeared in a storefront in Palmer, Alaska: BOOKSTORE COMING SOON. 

Whenever I drove by, I would slow down and try to peek in the windows, and over weeks I watched boxes being stacked and unpacked and bare wooden shelves installed. I can’t remember ever being so excited about something in my hometown.

Owners David Cheezem and Melissa Behnke were among the first to read The Snow Child when it was still an unpublished manuscript. In February 2012, they hosted my book release party. Since then they have surely sold the most copies of The Snow Child of any single bookstore in the world. David openly jokes that The Snow Child financially saved Fireside Books last year. I hope it is true. It would barely scratch the surface of my debt to them.

—— Eowyn Ivey, Author of The Snow Child


Philosopher Marshall Berman


Book Culture (New York City, NY)


The philosopher Marshall Berman was incredibly comfortable with himself and would completely give in to whatever he was reading.

He would come in, start to browse, and then you would notice he was deeply reading for an hour or more.

As time went by on these afternoons, he would go lower and lower, from a standing position to a leaning slant and then sit right down. From the seated position he would lie down on his side on the concrete floor in the aisle with a philosophy book in one hand and a great, bearded shaggy head propped in the other without a care in the world.”

—— Chris Doeblin, Owner 


Store Owner


Brattle Book Store (Boston, MA)

1969年,因为店铺搬家,书店紧急赠书。吉祥物是写着“Go West”的马车,排队的人堵满街区,每人仅有5分钟挑书。

能赠出250,000 本书的年代是值得怀念的。

In 1969 my father had to move and empty the store. As a promotion we had a horse-drawn carriage announcing ‘Go West’ to lead people to the store. Lines went around the block and we rang bells to give people five minutes to grab what they could and then give others a chance in the store. We gave away 250,000 books.”

—— Ken Gloss, Owner





Bart’s Books (Ojai, California)

Bart’s Books 是全美最大的户外独立书店。它不仅没有围墙,而且从不防盗。一次秘密拍摄证实了确实无需防盗。至于户外书店的晚间照明问题,读者们也都自行解决,不麻烦店家。

The subject of numerous TV documentaries, Bart’s was once secretly filmed from a van across the street to see how honest people were and if people would pay for books when no one was around. People came by in cars, by bicycle, on horseback, or on foot to buy books after hours. It was a rare occurrence for a visitor to take a book without paying.

Gary Schlicter, one of the former owners, says nighttime shopper “often used vehicle headlights or flashlights to help read the titles and browse.”


Ethan Hawke


192 Books (New York City)

为了庆祝《追忆逝水年华》百年,192 Books 书店举办了24小时原著朗诵活动。许多名人都加入了,轮流接力朗诵,包括刚刚结束演出还没来得及卸妆的伊桑·霍克。而且真的有人坚持听满了24小时。

For the hundredth anniversary of Proust’s Swann’s Way (In Search of Lost Time, #1), the store hosted a 24-hour reading of the book. The New Yorker’s Adam Gopnik and biographer Anka Muhlstein made the introductions. The first lines were read by poet / critic Wayne Koestenbaum.

At midnight, five hours in, Ethan Hawke wandered in, still in theater makeup from a performance of Clive, to take a turn reading. Other readers included Michael Cunningham and Laurie Anderson. Two patrones stayed and listened to the entire 24-hour reading.


Robin Williams


Bookcourt (Brooklyn, NY)

当罗宾·威廉姆斯来到 Bookcourt 书店,就好像《死亡诗社》又上演了一次。(我们怀念他。)

While filming around the corner, Robin Williams came in and looked at the poetry section. “I fucking love poetry! I’ll be back.” He returned hours later and bought a handful of books. On his way out, he announced, “I fucking love bookstores!”


Madonna / Sean Penn


ST. Mark’s Bookshop (East Village, New York City)


Madonna came in with Sean Penn, who used to buy Bukowski there. I don’t think I would have noticed them except that I was thinking, That woman’s hair is an usual color of blond. Then she turned around and it was Madonna.

Our guy at the register had been a club doorman, so he knew her. He mentioned to Madonna that there was a picture of her in a photography book on the display table, but he couldn’t find the picture.

She said, ‘I hate it when a guy gets me all interested and then doesn’t come through,’ while Sean Peen glared daggers.

—— Terry McCoy, Owner





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