基于结构的蛋白质 - 蛋白质相互作用位点的预测
IntPred: a structure-based predictor of protein–protein interaction sites (
Protein–protein interactions are vital for protein function with the average protein having between three and ten interacting partners. Knowledge of precise protein–protein interfaces comes from crystal structures deposited in the Protein Data Bank (PDB), but only 50% of structures in the PDB are complexes. There is therefore a need to predict protein–protein interfaces in silico and various methods for this purpose. Here we explore the use of a predictor based on structural features and which exploits random forest machine learning, comparing its performance with a number of popular established methods.
On an independent test set of obligate and transient complexes, our IntPred predictor performs well (MCC = 0.370, ACC = 0.811, SPEC = 0.916, SENS = 0.411) and compares favourably with other methods. Overall, IntPred ranks second of six methods tested with SPPIDER having slightly better overall performance (MCC = 0.410, ACC = 0.759, SPEC = 0.783, SENS = 0.676), but considerably worse specificity than IntPred. As with SPPIDER, using an independent test set of obligate complexes enhanced performance (MCC = 0.381) while performance is somewhat reduced on a dataset of transient complexes (MCC = 0.303). The trade-off between sensitivity and specificity compared with SPPIDER suggests that the choice of the appropriate tool is application-dependent.
ChopStitch: exon annotation and splice graph construction using transcriptome assembly and whole genome sequencing data
Sequencing studies on non-model organisms often interrogate both genomes and transcriptomes with massive amounts of short sequences. Such studies require de novo analysis tools and techniques, when the species and closely related species lack high quality reference resources. For certain applications such as de novo annotation, information on putative exons and alternative splicing may be desirable.
Here we present ChopStitch, a new method for finding putative exons de novo and constructing splice graphs using an assembled transcriptome and whole genome shotgun sequencing (WGSS) data. ChopStitch identifies exon-exon boundaries in de novo assembled RNA-Seq data with the help of a Bloom filter that represents the k-mer spectrum of WGSS reads. The algorithm also accounts for base substitutions in transcript sequences that may be derived from sequencing or assembly errors, haplotype variations, or putative RNA editing events. The primary output of our tool is a FASTA file containing putative exons. Further, exon edges are interrogated for alternative exon-exon boundaries to detect transcript isoforms, which are represented as splice graphs in DOT output format.
PRAPI: post-transcriptional regulation analysis pipeline for Iso-Seq
The single-molecule real-time (SMRT) isoform sequencing (Iso-Seq) based on Pacific Bioscience (PacBio) platform has received increasing attention for its ability to explore full-length isoforms. Thus, comprehensive tools for Iso-Seq bioinformatics analysis are extremely useful. Here, we present a one-stop solution for Iso-Seq analysis, called PRAPI to analyze alternative transcription initiation (ATI), alternative splicing (AS), alternative cleavage and polyadenylation (APA), natural antisense transcripts (NAT), and circular RNAs (circRNAs) comprehensively. PRAPI is capable of combining Iso-Seq full-length isoforms with short read data, such as RNA-Seq or polyadenylation site sequencing (PAS-seq) for differential expression analysis of NAT, AS, APA and circRNAs. Furthermore, PRAPI can annotate new genes and correct mis-annotated genes when gene annotation is available. Finally, PRAPI generates high-quality vector graphics to visualize and highlight the Iso-Seq results.
TCGA-assembler 2: software pipeline for retrieval and processing of TCGA/CPTAC data
The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) program has produced huge amounts of cancer genomics data providing unprecedented opportunities for research. In 2014, we developed TCGA-Assembler, a software pipeline for retrieval and processing of public TCGA data. In 2016, TCGA data were transferred from the TCGA data portal to the Genomic Data Commons (GDCs), which is supported by a different set of data storage and retrieval mechanisms. In addition, new proteomics data of TCGA samples have been generated by the Clinical Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium (CPTAC) program, which were not available for downloading through TCGA-Assembler. It is desirable to acquire and integrate data from both GDC and CPTAC.
We develop TCGA-assembler 2 (TA2) to automatically download and integrate data from GDC and CPTAC. We make substantial improvement on the functionality of TA2 to enhance user experience and software performance. TA2 together with its previous version have helped more than 2000 researchers from 64 countries to access and utilize TCGA and CPTAC data in their research. Availability of TA2 will continue to allow existing and new users to conduct reproducible research based on TCGA and CPTAC data.
DotAligner: identification and clustering of RNA structure motifs(
Genome Biology)
The diversity of processed transcripts in eukaryotic genomes poses a challenge for the classification of their biological functions. Sparse sequence conservation in non-coding sequences and the unreliable nature of RNA structure predictions further exacerbate this conundrum. Here, we describe a computational method, DotAligner, for the unsupervised discovery and classification of homologous RNA structure motifs from a set of sequences of interest. Our approach outperforms comparable algorithms at clustering known RNA structure families, both in speed and accuracy. It identifies clusters of known and novel structure motifs from ENCODE immunoprecipitation data for 44 RNA-binding proteins.
PureCLIP: capturing target-specific protein–RNA interaction footprints from single-nucleotide CLIP-seq data
Genome Biology)
The iCLIP and eCLIP techniques facilitate the detection of protein–RNA interaction sites at high resolution, based on diagnostic events at crosslink sites. However, previous methods do not explicitly model the specifics of iCLIP and eCLIP truncation patterns and possible biases. We developed PureCLIP (https://github.com/skrakau/PureCLIP), a hidden Markov model based approach, which simultaneously performs peak-calling and individual crosslink site detection. It explicitly incorporates a non-specific background signal and, for the first time, non-specific sequence biases. On both simulated and real data, PureCLIP is more accurate in calling crosslink sites than other state-of-the-art methods and has a higher agreement across replicates.
DE-kupl: exhaustive capture of biological variation in RNA-seq data through k-mer decomposition
Genome Biology)
We introduce a k-mer-based computational protocol, DE-kupl, for capturing local RNA variation in a set of RNA-seq libraries, independently of a reference genome or transcriptome. DE-kupl extracts all k-mers with differential abundance directly from the raw data files. This enables the retrieval of virtually all variation present in an RNA-seq data set. This variation is subsequently assigned to biological events or entities such as differential long non-coding RNAs, splice and polyadenylation variants, introns, repeats, editing or mutation events, and exogenous RNA. Applying DE-kupl to human RNA-seq data sets identified multiple types of novel events, reproducibly across independent RNA-seq experiments.