本文总结了CV/Robitcs领域的顶会文章中常出现的高级词汇、句式。涉及词汇如“leverage”、“heterogeneous”、“reason”等,以及句型如“This end-to-end philosophy has led to significant advances for...”等。文章旨在帮助读者提高论文写作能力,更好地表达论文内容。
leverage: 使用,利用,这个非常常见。例句:By leveraging the Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication technology, different Connected Automated Vehicles (CAVs) can share their sensing information and thus provide multiple viewpoints for the same obstacle to compensate each other [1].
heterogeneous: 异向的,不同的,在graph里经常用到,例句:V2X-Vit is composed of alternating layers of heterogeneous multi-agent self-attention and multi-scale window self-attention, capturing inter-agent interaction and per-agent spatial relationships [2].
adverse: 不利的,例句:Our experiments show that multi-camera configurations are critical in overcoming adverse conditions in large-scale outdoor scenes [3].
streamline: 精简,例子:We
the training pipeline by viewing object detection as a direct set prediction problem [4].
reason, 常用在关系推导,比如:DETR
about the relations of the objects and the global image context to directly output the final set of predictions in parallel [4].
bypass, 跳过
invariant, 不变的, 例子:a point cloud is just a set of points and therefore
to permutations of its members(PointNet). Since the transformer architecture is permutation-invariant [4].
auxiliary loss: 辅助损失
philosophy: 理念 This end-to-end philosophy has led to significant advances for ... [4].
fidelity: 逼真度,常用于simulation里, 例句:However, this can be a complex and costly endeavor that requires constructing realistic virtual worlds and developing high-
sensor simulators [5].
full autonomy stack: 全栈自动驾驶系统,包含perception, localization, planning, control, [5].
gauge: 测量, downstream task/experiment: 自动驾驶下游任务,常见的如motion planning和control, 例句:To
the usefulness of using our simulations to test motion planning, we conduct
downstream experiments
with two motion planners [5].
design ethos: 设计理念, 例子:The
design ethos
of DETR easily extend to more complex tasks [3].
ingredients: 要素, 例子:Two
are essential for direct set predictions in detection [3].
reliance: 依赖,例子:We show that this
on CNNs is not necessary and a pure transformer applied directly to sequences of image patches can perform very well on image classification tasks [6].
fashion: 风格,例子:We train the model on image classificaECCV2022tion in supervised
trump: 打败, 例子:We find that large scale training
inductive bias [6].
inductive biases: 归纳偏置,可以理解为对现实现象进行观察后进行一些总结,对模型进行约束,比如CNN是可以保持spatial relationship信息的,这是因为我们观察到图片每个pixel之间的位置关联很重要,所以这样设计了CNN。例句:Transformers lack some of the
inductive biases
to CNNs, such as translation equivariance and locality.
alternating: 交互的,经常用来表示某几种module在模型里循环交叉出现,例子:The Transformer encoder consists of
layers of multiheaded selfattention and MLP blocks [6].
appetite: 需求, 例子:This
for data has been successfully addressed in natural language processing (NLP) by self-supervised pretraining [7].
harness:驾驭,经常用于某种模型或方法没有被完全利用好,例如:However, its full power remains to be
through the advent of new smart technologies, such as self-driving vehicles [8].
indispensable: 不可或缺的, 例如:Detecting objects such as cars and pedestrians in 3D plays an
role in autonomous driving [9].
alleviate: 减轻,例如:To
the local misalignment, we use a 2D-3D bounding box consistency constraint [10].
account for: 占据,例如:Consequently, errors in depth estimation
account for
the major part of the gap between pseudo-lidar and lidar-based detectors [10].
consensus: 共识, 例如:Hence, we propose a novel neural
(这个词再次出现) framework that learns to communicate, to estimate potential errors, and finally, to reach a
about those errors [11].
surrogate: 代理,常用在adversarial attack中,例子:. In this setting, the attacker trains a surrogate model that imitates the target model [12].
degrade: 降低,损害,和performance联系紧密,常见的还有damage, decrease, drop. 例句:In addition, we also aim to minimize the intersection-over-union (IoU) of the bounding box proposals to further degrade performance by producing poorly localized objects [12].
hallucinating/hallucination: 原意是幻想,在CV里常用于amodal detection, 表示输入信息不直接含有某物体,但通过网络推理可以判断出物体在那。例句:We dub this problem amodal scene layout estimation, which involves hallucinating scene layout for even parts of the world that are occluded in the image [13].
实际的:这个单词本身是拉丁语,但很多论文会用到,而且要用斜体。例句:We thus argue that MetaFormer is our
de facto
need for vision models that deserved more future research [14].
empirically 实操地,一般是想说用实验证明的意思,例句:we empirically demonstrate that the success of the transformer model is largely attributed to the MetaFormer architecture [14].
rudimentary 基本的,初级的。Currently, rudimentary resizing methods such as nearest neighbor, bilinear, and bicubic are among the top adopted image resizers visual recognition systems. [16]
off-the-shelf 现成的 The proposed resizer, therefore, can be an alternative to the offthe-shelf resizers to effectively reduce the expected drop in the recognition performance. [16]
表示xxx模型很流行:xxx have become the model of choice in some area.
解決某個問題:To ameliorate these issues
为了某个目的:Towards the goal of xxx
利用優點:leveraged the advantages of
表示有些问题被解决,但还有一些被人们忽视:While much of the research into xxx(the certain area) have focused on (已解决的问题), an equally important yet underexplored problem is how to (还没有被解决的问题)。例句:While much of the research into microscopic traffic simulation have focused on modeling actors’ behaviors, an equally important yet underexplored problem is how to generate realistic snapshots of traffic scenes. (出处:SceneGen: Learning to Generate Realistic Traffic Scenes, CVPR)
表示实验证明某种想法的重要性:Our experiments
of xxx [3].
以xxx的形式:in the context of, 例子:In this paper, we consider the collaborative perception in the context of a heterogeneous multi-agent system [15].
play a critical role
/ the success of something
is attributed to
[1] OPV2V: An Open Benchmark Dataset and Fusion Pipeline for Perception with Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication (