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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-02-10 10:43


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)通过知情人士获悉, 2 7 ArcelorMittal 和意大利政府同意推迟就前意大利钢铁企业 Ilva 所有权问题举行的法庭听证会。

ArcelorMittal and the Italian government agreed on 7 February to postpone the tribunal hearing over the ownership of the former Italian steelmaker Ilva, Kallanish learns from sources close to the matter.

在听证会按原定计划于上周五举行的几个小时前,双方提交了一份协议草案,要求法庭推迟裁决。因此,听证会推迟到 3 6 日举行。

Just a few hours before the hearing was due to take place last Friday, both parties submitted a draft agreement and asked the tribunal to put off the ruling. The hearing has therefore been postponed to 6 March.

ArcelorMittal 的律师 Ferdinando Emanuele 向当地媒体表示,该公司要求推迟听证会,“……以达成协议并完成谈判”。据当地媒体报道,他还谈到了“……双方继续谈判的认真意向”。

ArcelorMittal’s lawyer, Ferdinando Emanuele, told local media that the company is asking to put off the hearing “… in order to reach an agreement and complete the negotiation”. He has also spoken of the “… serious intention of both parties to carry on with the negotiations,” local media report.

截至目前,未经证实的报道暗示,协议草案中包含一项条款,允许该公司在支付 4 亿欧元罚款后,从 11 1 日起退出这一安排。据称双方还在谈判收购价格的折扣,但这一消息也未得到证实。 Kallanish 联系 ArcelorMittal 时,该公司拒绝就整个事件置评。

So far unconfirmed reports suggest meanwhile that the draft agreement contains a clause allowing the company to exit the arrangement as from 1 November upon payment of a €400 million penalty. The parties are also said to be negotiating a discount in the purchasing price, although this is once again unsubstantiated. ArcelorMittal declined to comment on the whole matter when approached by Kallanish.

ArcelorMittal 欧洲首席执行官 Aditya Mittal 2 6 日的集团年度收益会议上表示,该公司仍致力于与意大利当局达成协议。他补充说,在这方面已经取得了进展。

ArcelorMittal Europe chief executive Aditya Mittal said during the group’s annual earnings conference on 6 February that the company remains committed to finding an agreement with Italian authorities. Progress on that has already been made, he added.



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