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英文悦读  · 公众号  · 英语  · 2017-02-21 22:54




Some people think the technology makes life complex, so we should make our life simpler without using the technology. To what extent do you agree or disagree?








In some countries, people are having their first baby at an older age. What are the reasons? Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?



Having a baby is a prime event for a family, which means a couple prepares themselves for parenthood. Indeed, increasing number of couples are opting to have the first baby in their older age. This rising trend could be attributed to the influence of both feminist movements and competitive pressure, and I consider that the advantages of it outweigh the disadvantages.

Feminist movements have campaigned for rights and equality of women since 1960s. In fact, these equal rights movements have made great progress: it has become normal for women to embrace education and a career like men. To further realize personal ambition, increasing women cannot but delay motherhood. At the same time, under influence of feminism, rising men have valued women as equal individuals and career companions rather than baby-making machines and childcare robots. Therefore, couples have their first baby later, with reason.

Furthermore, facing intense competition in modern society, the majority of young people are forced to pursue higher quality education—not only vocational training but also postgraduate education—in order to beat off stiff competition from the workplace. It is because they are absorbed in acquiring employability and carving out careers that the young have little time to find Mr. or Miss. Right, not to mention the baby.

In my view, the positives of the changes described above outweigh the negatives because older parents tend to be more settled educationally, financially and emotionally. Firstly, most of older parents have completed their education, and tend to be more financially stable and secure in their careers. This means less conflict regarding how to parcel out the time, not having to juggle study or a job with baby and housework like young parents, which affords older couples the opportunity to spend more time with their babies. 

Second, older parents tend to be more mature and have more stable marriages, so they are more apt to have greater abilities to communicate with each other and have learned to make the compromise and establish the agreement, which is vital for child rearing, and hard to come by from young parents.


Having a baby is a prime event for a family, which means a couple prepares themselves for parenthood. Indeed, increasing number of couples are opting to have the first baby in their older age.(age 前面的介词应该是 at,不是in,此处可以改成 at an older age) This rising trend could be attributed to the influence of both feminist movements and competitive pressure, and I consider that the advantages of it outweigh the disadvantages.

Feminist movements have campaigned for rights and equality of women since 1960s. In fact, these equal rights movements have made great progress: it has become normal for women to embrace an education and a career like men. To further realize personal ambitions, increasing numbers of women cannot but delay motherhood. At the same time, under the influence of feminism, rising (改为 ever more) men have valued women as equal individuals and career companions rather than baby-making machines and childcare robots. Therefore, couples have their first baby later, with reason.


Furthermore, facing intense competition in modern society, the majority of young people are forced to (改为 have to 比较好) pursue higher quality education—not only vocational training but also postgraduate education—in order to beat off stiff competition from the workplace. It is because they are absorbed in acquiring employability and carving out careers that the young have little time to find Mr. or Miss. Right, not to mention the baby. (这里改为 having a child)

In my view, the positives of the changes described above outweigh the negatives because older parents tend to be more settled educationally, financially and emotionally. Firstly, most of older parents have completed their education, and tend to be more financially stable and secure in their careers. This means less conflict regarding how to parcel out the time, not having to juggle study or a job with baby (此处可改为 child-rearing)and housework like young parents, which affords older couples the opportunity to spend more time with their babies. 

Second, older parents tend to be more mature and have more stable marriages, so they are more apt to have greater abilities to communicate with each other and have learned to make the compromise (改为 make compromises)and establish the agreement,(与前面 make compromises 有重复,可删去) which is vital for child-rearing, and hard to come by from young parents.



此外,题目要求是 Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? 文中只提到了好处,并没有提到坏处,严谨的做法应该是将晚婚晚育的好处与坏处进行对比,得出结论。


In some countries, people are having their first baby at an older age. What are the reasons? Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?













A growing number of young people today are putting off parenthood out of socioeconomic and personal reasons, and this will have huge implications for them, mostly for the better.

Several factors are at play when it comes to the delay in motherhood. Ever more women go to college, and more of them are pursuing a master’s or even doctoral degree. That means they will graduate at an older age, and have a family later than previous generations did. The fact that more females enter the workplace also contributes to the increasing age of first-time mothers. Having maternity leave could do harm to women’s career prospects, so many female workers are biding their time before they are high on the corporate ladder. Personal choices matter too. Increasing numbers of young adults opt to explore life’s possibilities instead of having families to tie them down, making the delay in child-rearing all the more commonplace.

Having children late in life yields benefits. Older first-time parents are by and large more financially and emotionally stable, and are therefore able to provide the next generation with good parenting, which can exert a long-term positive impact on the children. Moreover, would-be parents who enter their 30s and 40s often hold a senior position in the corporate hierarchy, thereby enjoying more latitude in achieving work-life balance, be it flexible work schedules or more vacation time, a contributing factor in close family relationships.

Granted, waiting to start a family has its drawbacks. Scientific research reveals that expectant mothers over 30 are liable to miscarriages and pregnancy complications. Age-related decline in fertility also makes it difficult for women to conceive, leading to a dwindling population in decades to come. But overall, as medical technologies advance, such problems will be mitigated.

The trend that many are delaying childbearing is an irresistible one and it could prove to be beneficial. Society should respect people’s choice and offer assistance if necessary, for their sake, and for our own.



Advertising discourages people from being different individuals by making them look the same. Do you agree or disagree?
