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深圳外贸圈  · 公众号  · 深圳  · 2017-04-10 07:51



作为外贸新人,一方面不仅要快速适应新的环境,另一方面还有有很多事情是需要注意的,特别是一不小心掉坑里都不知道,那后果也是很严重的。简单总结了 “5坑6教训”,希望有帮助哦。


1.防被货运的方式坑: 对于货运的术语有很多,如果不是专业的那就得赶紧把你所不知道的货远方式学起来,用起来。还有就是书本上的跟实际应用的也有对不上的时候。

2.防被付款的方式坑:常用的付款方式应该基本都知道,有: PayPal、T/T、Western Union这三个,但是这三个付款方式的利弊你都清楚吗?

3.防被工厂的时间坑: 常见的就是,交货期到了,工厂的货却迟迟不出来,约定时间出不了货,其中厉害关系,应该我们都比较清楚了.轻的被客户说一顿, 重的可能会造成客户损失并且要求赔偿.

4.防被报价坑: 外贸新人在报价方面是最需注意的,经常有的不熟悉产品的价格,而又忙着给及时客户报价,结果有可能出现给客户报价报低了,后面在想加价那就是难上加难,处理不好那到手的订单就飞了。

5.防被单据坑: 单据上一般都有:产品名称、数量、金额等,如果做错单据,及时发现还好,如不,后果也是很麻烦的。加上刚来公司,悉公司流程还没有熟等,也容易吃亏。






5、 客户是上帝,但不是所有的都是对的,要和上帝据理力争。

6、 合作过的老客户,或合作很久的客户,我们在做事上也要有自己的一个底线,不要越过,不要一味的退让,不然后果很严重。



当你发现交易会上老客户找到了同行的贸易公司,恰好这家公司又看过客户的牌子,知道你们之间有比较大的订单往来,就报了超低的价格来抢订单, 而且趁你不知道从现有工厂偷了原料(此原料比较难弄)打样。这时候对于这样硬和你拼价格的对手,可以采取什么策略和手段来应对呢?

When you find that your regular customer finds your competitor and by coincidence, this company knows customer’s brand and know your great business relationships with it. Your competitor quotes a very low price to grab your customer and makes samples which are diffult to make because the materials are unattainable. At this moment, what can you do to handle this competition?

措施一 Measure 1


For starters, inform your factory and tell them how severe it can be then sign a confidentiality agreement with it. However, it’s not enough. You’d better converse with plant and emphasize that they should keep other foreign trade company members from visiting those classified areas, such as warehouse and wrapper stacking area.

措施二 Measure 2


If your company is great in strength and your customer is a big deal, you can rent a little warehouse and ask package plant to make paper boxes then do it yourself. If it can’t be put into practice, you can put shipping marks on the packages outside the warehouse.

措施三 Measure 3


When you don’t have offshore company and the plant is your dedicated supplier, you can register an offshore company which has a similar name with the plant. It can be used to gain customer’s trust and it’s more convenient to have customer visit the plant.

措施四 Measure 4


Although you may have a supplier who has cooperated with you for several times, you should still need to develop some fresh suppliers. With situation like this, it’ll be a good chance for you to find a better plant with good attitude.

措施五 Measure 5


Supposing your competitor quotes a low price and your customer comes to bargain with you, it’s high time for you to make good use of your language techniques and EQ. For example, when your customer demands a lower price, you can say that:
You may know that there is no lowest price in China, only the lower.

Based on our quality, our profit is very low. If we cut 0.70 USD/CTN, we cannot keep reasonable profit then order will be rejected by our financial dept. Because it's no use of accepting this order, it only makes our workers tired and occupy capital.

If we force ourselves to accept this order, we may have to bring down the quality to average our cost.

So please kindly evaluate our price again. If it's really hard to work, we hope we can work with you for next order. Appreciate for your support.

你们要告诉客户: “If we force ourselves to accept this order, we may have to bring down the quality to average our cost.” 他就害怕了。要知道客户宁愿买贵一些,但质量一定不能差。否则买过去以后,客户会陷入无休止的客户投诉,经济和声誉都受损。
Once you tell your customer that “If we force ourselves to accept this order, we may have to bring down the quality to average our cost.” he will reconsider it in any case. After all, they regard quality as important even though the price is little higher. Otherwise, they will be very confused for those endless complaints and losses of finance and reputation.

You can also tell him that :

Low prices always accompany with high risk, maybe quality, quantity or reputation. We cannot bring down our quality to get advantage on prices.

措施六 Measure 6


Of course, don’t forget to comfort your customer that he may pay more in price but get more such as:

Good quality assurance, XX and XX authentication.
2、避免客户的质量投诉,节省你的精力和时间no complains no arguments
Keep them away from customers’ quality complaints and help save their energy and time.

Establish word of mouth good reputation and then promote the sales.

