BGM:Fall by Colin & Caroline(翻唱版,男生超级帅!!!!)
Fuck 其实并不是完全curse word(骂人的人)
Fuck up 搞糟,弄糟。
Cantonese food is fucking delicious.
(rice noddles roll肠粉 shrimp dumplings 虾饺)
There is a large discrepancy between the ideal image of university and the reality.
He might crack up(崩溃,突然大笑起来) under the strain.
Going to a funeral naturally makes you freak out (崩溃,处于兴奋状态)about your future.
Break up with someone
Sorry I can’t hear you, you are breaking up(你那信号不好!)
(Your reception is bad你信号好差)
The speeches will be broadcast live, with simultaneous translation into English. 这些演讲将作现场直播,并配有英语同声传译
You can watch a live stream(直播) of Apple's fall event tomorrow, the company has announced - but only if you're using an Apple device.
vulnerable groups弱势群体
Sounds like you had a rough(艰苦的) day . 听上去你这一天很不顺。
I decided to read a book after the crappy(糟糕的) day.
I like the hunk with six\eight pack.(六、八块腹肌)
(hunk 的解释sexually attractive man with a big strong body)
My father didn’t allow me to have bread in bed because the crumble would attract ants
The bread got crumbled on the way to the potluck.(百乐餐(每人自带一个菜的家庭聚会)