《美国数学会通讯》(Notices of American Mathematical Society)是全球发行量最大的数学期刊,也是国际数学界的权威期刊。
共推荐了两本数学书,其中第一本是中国数学家蔡天新教授的《数学简史》。书评作者是 Emily J. Olson。书评的中译文如下:
Emily J. Olson
如果作者错过了某位著名历史人物的某个贡献,我不一定能发现。但这部呈现在我们面前的数学史是全面的,包含了全人类的贡献。这是有意为之的,正如作者所指出的, “本书的写作风格和宗旨是,既不愿错过任何一位伟大的数学家和任何一次数学思潮,以及由此产生的内容、方法,也不愿意放弃任何可以阐述数学与其他文明相互交融的机会。” 我相信这本书证实了以下观点,当我们促进跨文化和跨国界的思想分享时,我们有机会互相学习,对数学做出重大的贡献。书中包含了许多插图和照片,其中一些由作者本人拍摄。这无疑为相关的数学史的描述,添加了有意义的吸引力。
Review on A Brief History of Mathematics: A Promenade through the Civilizations of Our World. by Tianxin Cai Birkhauser, 2023
When studying mathematics, one is often reminded of the historical context of the subject . From ancient civilizations to modern society, the study of mathematics and its applications is present. A Brief History of Mathematics takes the reader on a journey through the Middle East, Ancient Greece and China, Indian and Arabia, the European Renaissance and calculus, the Age of Analysis and the French Revolution, modern algebra and geometry, and the abstraction of mathematics. At 353 pages, this tome is hardly brief, yet perhaps it’s as brief as possible for the amount of material it covers.
If the author missed a contribution by a named historical figure. I wouldn’t know it. The history presented here is thorough and includes contributions from across the globe. This was intentional, as the author states, “this is a book that does not want to leave out any great mathematician or mathematical line of thought or to pass up any opportunity to investigate the interminglings of mathematics with all the other models of culture and human activity.” I believe this book corroborates the notion that when we promote the sharing of ideas across the cultures and distance, we have the chance to learn from each other and make significant contributions to mathematics. The book contains many illustrations and photographs,some taken by the author himself, that add meaningful enhancement to the accompanying descriptions of history and mathematics. You can use this book for a history of mathematics course or for your own edification, and if you are interested in including historical facts in any of your courses, papers, or expositions, you can find what you seek in this book.
蔡天新的《数学简史》2017年11月由中信出版社出版,目前已21印。英文版由 Springer 旗下瑞士的 Birkhauser 出版社出版,译者是 Tyler Ross。在英文版出版之前,蔡天新教授的《数学传奇》《数学简史》《数学的故事》《数字与玫瑰》等著作已经有俄文版、韩文版和繁体字版。