【[666星]GitBase:一个基于GitHub的简单网站框架,无需传统数据库即可搭建动态网站。亮点:1. 利用GitHub作为内容管理系统,无缝管理网站内容;2. 动态渲染内容,支持Markdown格式,方便编辑与版本控制;3. 一键部署到Vercel,轻松上线】
'GitBase is an open-source dynamic website solution without a traditional database, built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Shadcn/UI. It leverages GitHub as a content management system, providing a seamless way to create and manage website content.'
GitHub: github.com/qiayue/GitBase
#无数据库网站# #GitHub内容管理# #动态网站# #AI创造营#
'GitBase is an open-source dynamic website solution without a traditional database, built with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Shadcn/UI. It leverages GitHub as a content management system, providing a seamless way to create and manage website content.'
GitHub: github.com/qiayue/GitBase
#无数据库网站# #GitHub内容管理# #动态网站# #AI创造营#