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写作语料 | Food

TFT小组  · 公众号  · 留学  · 2017-05-19 22:28


央视的美食纪录片《舌尖上的中国》风靡大江南北,琳琅满目的生态食材,风味独特的各色美食, 引燃了中国人对美食的热情。我们每天都在与吃打交道,大家有没有想过如何把司空见惯的吃用英语描述?这次我们就来学习一下与“吃”相关的英语表达。

 Taste and flavor

1 | Acerbic 酸的,苦涩的(也可形容性情、言语刻薄的)

例句: The old tea tasted acerbic but perk up your spirits.

2 | Salty/Brackish 咸的

例句: Pot package meat is now a very unusual dish, both the northern cuisine of the salty, a little bit of Western-style sweet and sour.

3 | Sweet-and-sour 糖醋的

例句: sweet-and-sour pork 糖醋排骨

4 | Mellow(水果)甘甜的,(酒)醇香的

例句: The wine is mellow and full-bodied.

5 | Spicy 辛辣的

例句: Shanxi cuisine is often sour and spicy, with strong garlic and coriander flavors.

6 | Bland 清淡的

例句: This sauce is very bland. It doesn't taste like anything.

7 | Creamy 像奶油的,光滑细腻的

例句: I enjoy eating creamy tomato soup on cold winter days.

8 | Crisp 脆的

例句: The apple was crisp and delicious.

9 | Succulent/Juicy 多汁的

例句: Don't try to be fancy with your meal; opt for a delicious, juicy and succulent chicken dish versus a more expensive veal, beef or lamb.

10 | Greasy 油腻的

例句: Cantonese cuisine with a taste Potaninia Run, do not eat greasy, etc. , is added a variety of nutrients the body of the flavor of food.


1 | Fresh 新鲜的

例句: Sushi always requires fresh fish.

2 | Off 不新鲜的,变质的

例句: I'm afraid this cheese tastes off.

3 | Raw 生的,未加工的

例句: Sushiis made from raw fish as well as vegetables, seaweed and rice.

4 | Ripe 成熟的

例句: Make sure the bananas are ripe so I can use them in the cake.

5 | Unripe 未成熟的

例句: Many types of fruit are picked unripe and become ripe as they are shipped.

6 | Rotten/Rancid 腐烂的

例句: This meat smells rotten. I think we should throw it away.

7 | Undercooked 未煮熟的

例句: The undercooked salmon was very poor.

8 | Overcooked 煮过头的

例句: The broccoli was overcooked. It should have been crisper.


1 |

Bake:to make dough ( like bread, cake ... ) in an oven

例句: I'll bake a cake for her birthday party.

Roast:to make meat and vegies in an oven

例句: Let's put the chicken in the oven and roast for two hours.

Grill:to make things on a metal frame like BBQ cooking style.

例句: During the summer I like to grill meat outside.

Toast: to make things warm and juicy inside crisp outside.

例句: While Dracula is fried like an egg and toasted like a bit of toast.

2 | Boil 煮沸

例句: You should boil these potatoes for forty-five minutes.

3 | Fry 油煎

例句: I usually fry some eggs and bacon on Saturday mornings.

4 | Poach 水煮

例句: Jennifer prefers to poach her eggs.

5 | Steam 蒸

例句: The best way to cook many vegetables is to steam them for a few minutes.

6 | Bite 咬

例句: Don't bite off more meat than you can comfortably chews.

7 | Chew 咀嚼

例句: You should chew each bite well before you swallow.

8 | Swallow 吞咽

例句: If you swallow too much you might choke on your food.

9 | Sip 啜饮

例句: It's best to slowly sip a cocktail rather than gulp it down.

10 | Guzzle/Gulp down 狼吞虎咽

例句: He guzzled a glass of water after he finished the job.

He hungrily gulped down the meal as he was very hungry.


1 | The cake looked like a homespun masterpiece. It was fluffy as a pillow,toasty brown, and shot through with plum-colored swirls.


2 | This cream of mushroom soup hasn't lost one jot of its butter-laden, cognac-kissed suavity. 'Soup' is tooprosaic a term for the pungent, earthy silkiness in every bowlful. Fungi beg for the honor of giving their lives this way.


3 | Plump shrimp, sautéed with chile flakes and served with a salad of oyster mushrooms, cucumber and corn, turned out to be everything I wanted on a Saturday morning: fresh, vibrant and crunchy, with just enough spicy zing to wake me up.







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