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取经号JTW  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-03-14 21:01



“在未来,每一个人都能获得15分钟的成功。”任何人只要手中有一部能上网的手机,就可以搞出点名声来。在某种程度上,我们都是自恋的。秉持着数字时代的精神,自我曝光已成为一种极为简单和常用的沟通方式,而自恋的人一般需要来自外界的资源来维持膨胀而微妙的自我。也许社交媒体是时候变成一种治疗手段,好好治治我们的“自恋”了。( 图注:纳喀索斯是希腊神话中的自恋者,为与水中自己的倒影求欢而溺水身亡)


作者: Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic




策划: 王旻彦&朱星汉

Sharing the (self) love: the rise of the selfie and digital narcissism


本文选自 The Guardian | 取经号原创翻译

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What do Kanye West, Kim Kardashian, and Justin Bieber have in common? Grandiose exhibitionism, inflated self-views, superficial personalities and shameless self-promotion. In that sense, they are just like millions of their Facebook and Twitter fans around the world, except successful.

侃爷、金大姐和比伯有什么共同点?喜出风头,言辞 夸大 ,肤浅造作,爱自我吹嘘。从这个意义上说,他们和他们全球数百万的Facebook和Twitter粉丝也没什么分别,除了更成功之外。

Grandiose ['græn.di.əʊs] adj. larger and containing more detail than necessary, or intended to seem important or splendid 夸大的,不切实际的;华而不实的

Welcome to the age of digital narcissism, a world of endless ostentation opportunities and unlimited bragging possibilities. Showing-off has never been easier and, ironically, more celebrated.


Until the 90s, the media provided an escape from reality by transporting consumers to the fictional universe of sitcoms, soap operas and series. Then came reality TV, which turned our attention back to ourselves by broadcasting the allegedly genuine and ultra-mundane lives of everyday people, upgrading trash TV to a cultural blockbuster: couch potatoes watching couch potatoes. In the past decade, social media has taken us to unchartered territories of egotistic adulation by enabling everybody to broadcast their life and be the star of their own 24/7 hour show: consumers became actors and consumable products at once.


Adulation [ˌæd.jʊ'leɪ.ʃən] n. very great admiration or praise for someone, especially when it is more than is deserved (尤指名不副实的)称赞,吹捧,恭维,奉承

It is noteworthy that digital exhibitionism and inappropriate self-disclosure have been at the core of every mega-successful app and website. It all begun with MySpace, a directory for wannabe pop stars and DJ's. Then came Facebook, the encyclopaedia of common people. YouTube gave everybody their own TV channel, Blogger and Tumblr made us all creative writers. Twitter brought in tons of followers and LinkedIn positive endorsements – because who cares about our faults? Instagram made selfie the word of the year, while Tinder – the ultimate dating tool for narcissists – and Snapchat – the bastion of ephemeral sexting – make Facebook look intellectual. And if your concern is to remain connected after death, there is a whole movement, the digital afterlife industry, dedicated to the preservation of your narcissistic social media activity after you die. As Liveson's slogan puts it, "when your heart stops beating, just keep tweeting".

值得注意的是,不适当的自我表现与自我披露已经成为了每个成功的大型app和网站的核心。最开始是MySpace,这个网站的主要用户是那些 向往成为巨星 和DJ的群体。接着出现了Facebook,给普通人提供了展示平台。YouTube为个人设置了专属电视频道,Blogger和 Tumblr (译者注: 轻博客社交网络平台 )让我们都成为了文采飞扬的作家。而之所以Twitter带来了大量粉丝,LinkedIn为我们构建人脉,是因为没人会在意我们犯下的过错。Instagram让自拍成为年度热词,而作为自恋者终极交友软件的Tinder以及作为色情消息 堡垒 的Snapchat,让Facebook都显得理智多了。如果你担心死后没法上社交网络,阴间数字产业会保存你生前发布在社交网络上的那些自恋内容。正如Liveson的标语所说:“当你的心脏停止跳动的时候,只需继续发布推文。”

Wannabe ['wɒn.ə.bi] n./adjective. a person who is trying to achieve success or fame, usually unsuccessfully 梦想成功(或出名)者

Bastion ['bæs.ti.ən] n. something which keeps or defends especially a belief or a way of life that is disappearing or threatened 堡垒

Ephemeral [ɪ'fem.ər.əl] adj. lasting for only a short time 短暂的,极短的;转瞬即逝的

Unsurprisingly, narcissism levels have been rising for decades. Such increases pre-date social media but they have clearly exacerbated since its emergence. At the same time, there has been a steep decline in altruism and empathy levels since the advent of Facebook and Twitter. We are now more connected than ever, but also less interested in other people, except when it comes to finding out what they think about us. It is as if being closer to others made us more antisocial. Freud, who would no doubt have thousands of Twitter followers today (if he could sum-up his views in 140-characters), referred to this as the "hedgehog dilemma". That is, humans are like hedgehogs in the winter: they need to get close to each other to cope with the cold, but they cannot get too close without hurting each other with their spines.

可以想见,过去几十年以来自恋的程度一直在加深。这种现象使早期社交媒体的数量大大增加,但它的出现也显然令社交媒体走向歧路。同时,自从Facebook和Twitter出现之后,社会中“ 利他主义 ”的思潮褪去,人们的同理心被削弱了。我们通过网络达到了前所未有的紧密联系,对他人的关心却荡然无存,唯一关心的仅是他们对自己的看法。与人亲近仿佛是反社会的一种表现。弗洛伊德如果生活在当代,一定能在推特上收获大批粉丝(若是他能把自己的观点总结在140字以内)。他把这种现象称为“豪猪困境”,人们就如同冬日里的豪猪:为了抵御严寒,他们必须紧靠在一起取暖,但靠得太近又会被彼此刺伤。

Altruism ['æl.tru.ɪ.zəm] n. willingness to do things which bring advantages to other people, even if it results in disadvantage for yourself 利他主义;无私

Needless to say, most social media users are not narcissistic. Yet, social media is to narcissists what crack is to crack addicts: the more narcissistic you are, the heavier your social media use is. Indeed, scientific studies have shown that the number of status updates, attractive selfies, check-ins, followers and friends, are all positively correlated with narcissism, as is the tendency to accept invites from strangers, particularly when they are attractive. The reason for these correlations is that narcissistic individuals are much more likely to use social media to portray a desirable, albeit unrealistic, self-image, accumulate virtual friends and broadcast their life to an audience. Klout is a better measure of narcissism than of social reach.


Sure, there's nothing wrong with seeking others' approval – a healthy identity actually depends on paying careful attention to what others think of us. Furthermore, the need to be appreciated is a cornerstone of both psychological wellbeing and living in civilisation. When taken too far, however, the desire to be accepted morphs into a relentless quest for status, which undermines other people and impairs our ability to build and maintain happy relationships and successful careers.

当然,想要获取他人的认可,这无可非议——毕竟一个健全人格的形成免不了以他人对自己的看法为鉴。此外,被他人欣赏的诉求构成了心理健康与文明生活的基石。但这种愿望如果过了火,就会 沦落成 对地位无止尽的追求,不仅有损其他个体,还不利于建立、维持愉快的社交关系,甚至将成为事业上的绊脚石。

Morph [mɔːf] v. If one thing morphs into another thing, especially something very different, the first thing changes into the second. 变化,改变

The big problem with the rise of digital narcissism is that it puts enormous pressure on people to achieve unfeasible goals, without making them hungrier. Wanting to be Beyoncé or Jay Z is hard enough already, but when you are not prepared to work hard to achieve it, you are better off just lowering your aspirations. Few things are more self-destructive than a combination of high entitlement and a lazy work ethic. Ultimately, online manifestations of narcissism may be little more than a self-presentational strategy to compensate for a low and fragile self-esteem. Yet when these efforts are reinforced and rewarded by others, they perpetuate the distortion of reality and consolidate narcissistic delusions.

数字化自恋的崛起带来了一个巨大的问题:人们迫于压力想要去完成一些力所不能及的事,而不是出于自身的渴望。成为碧昂斯或者Jay Z本身就难于上青天,尤其当你不打算下苦功夫去实现的时候,就应该降低期望值。眼高手低对一个人的伤害是毁灭性的。在网上的种种自恋表现也不过是为了弥补内心的自卑与脆弱的一种策略。然而,当这种努力得到了外界的强化与回应,现实就被永远地扭曲了,自恋带来的错觉愈发真实。

Perhaps it is time to turn social media into a therapeutic tool, at the service of the public and society. Online behavioural analysis is important not just to personalise media content and serve more relevant ads, but also to educate consumers. What better way to achieve this than to provide accurate feedback on their mental well-being?

也许是时候把社交媒体变成一种 治疗 工具,为公众和社会服务。网络行为分析不仅仅对媒体内容个性化及广告相关性的提升至关重要,还对用户具有重要教育意义。还有什么方法比直接对用户的精神健康状态作出反馈更能达到教育的目的呢?

We have already seen impressive examples for the social utility of big data, from predicting flue epidemics to diagnosing cancer. But how about examining the rise of narcissism? This could be done both at an individual and population level. Algorithms could be built into Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to alert users about their growing grandiosity, excessive self-promotion, pathological self-love and even signal when an entire population might be at risk of becoming too self-obsessed for its own sake. Or is it too late?

从预测流感疫情到诊断癌症病例,大数据的诸多社会运用已经令我们大开眼界。是不是也可以用它来检测自恋风潮呢?这在个体或群体层面都是可行的。在Facebook、Twitter和Instagram中导入某种算法,能在用户变得不切实际、过度自我推销或是 病态般 自恋时给出警示,甚至能在一整个群体因为社交媒体自身而面临过度自恋风险时给出信号。现在开始亡羊补牢还来得及吗?


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https://www.theguardian.com/media-network/media-network-blog/2014/mar/13/selfie-social-media-love-digital-narcassism >
