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Are good manners necessary?

Quora文选英语  · 公众号  · 问答  · 2017-08-17 20:18


Are good manners necessary?

Peter T Mayer, Illustrator, UI Designer, Startup Cofounder, Family Man, Dad

Answered Wed

62k Views · 1.9k Upvotes

Yesterday I was holding a door for a middle aged woman as she got closer to the same store.

As some other ladies before her in my past, she did not say anything.

My daughter looked at me and said “Dad, she was really rude! Why do you keep holding the door if you know many won't even say a simple thank you?”

For one simple reason: I was raised up by my parents to be kind, polite and have good manners.

Plus those occasional “Thank you, young man.” or “You are a real gentleman.” coming from some old ladies make up for these bad apples.


bad apple:A person who negatively impacts an entire group of people through his or her words or actions. Taken from theproverb "a bad apple spoils the bunch." 坏苹果、败类、害群之马;
