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Withdrawal of its troops is India's best recourse

CHINADAILY  · 公众号  · 时评  · 2017-07-24 10:10


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The trespassing in Chinese territory by Indian troops has now dragged into the second month. The longer they remain on the Chinese side of the long-demarcated and mutually recognized Sikkim section of the border, the less room there will be for peacefully ending the crisis.

Considering that both sides have reportedly sent more troops into the Donglang area, the face-off between Indian and Chinese troops, if not properly handled, could easily be the fuse that ignites a military clash between the two countries.

Especially as some Indian officials and media are bellicosely proclaiming that India today is different from the India of 1962, implying the country's military muscles have grown since then.

They should be aware that the same applies to China, if not more so.
