图1. (a) Fabrication process of Co/NCNS-T. (b) XRD patterns, (c) Raman spectra of Co/NCNS-6, Co/NCNS-7, Co/NCNS-8, and Co/NCNS-9.
图2. SEM images of (a, b) Co/NCNS-6, (c, d) Co/NCNS-7, (e, f) Co/NCNS-8 and (g, h) Co/NCNS-9, XPS analysis of Co/NCNS-T: (i) survey spectrum, (j) C 1s, (k) Co 2p, (l) N 1s; (m) N species contents of Co/NCNS-T. (n) magnetic hysteresis loops of Co/NCNS-T.
图3. (a-c) TEM, (d-f) HRTEM and (g) SEM-EDS element mapping images of Co/NCNS-8 composite.
图4. 3D RL mappings and corresponding 2D RL curves of (a, b) Co/NCNS-6, (c, d) Co/NCNS-7, (e, f) Co/NCNS-8 and (g, h) Co/NCNS-9.
图5. Electromagnetic parameters of Co/NCNS-T, including (a-b) real and imaginary parts of permittivity, (c) dielectric loss tangent, (d-e) real and imaginary parts of permeability, and (f) magnetic loss tangent.
图6、(a) Electric field, magnetic field distributions, and power loss density of Co/NCNS-8 at 17.6 GHz. (b-e) 3D radar wave scattering maps of Co/NCNS-6, 7, 8, 9. (f) RCS simulated curves of PEC and Co/NCNS-T composites. (g) RCS reduction values of Co/NCNS-T at various angles.
图7. Schematic diagram of possible EMW attenuation mechanisms in Co/NCNS-T.