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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  硕博就业出国


硕博就业出国  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-08-31 19:10


读博/求职/出国机会 监控 (扫码关注)



Postdoctoral Position

·      Department ofBiological Chemistry & Pharmacology

·      Location: Ohio StateUniversity

·      ApplicationDeadline: 31 December 2019

We are seeking highly motivatedindividuals (two or thee) to join our lab as postdocs. Projects include therole of neurotrophic factors in neuropathology including Alzheimer’s diseaseand spinal cord injury. Additional projects include drug discovery forAlzheimer’s disease and understanding the role of metabolic disruption inmicroglial function in Alzheimer’s disease. We are looking for scientists witha background and training in neurosciences, cell biology, biochemistry, and/ormolecular biology with solid first author publication(s).

Salary is based on the NIH postdoc payscale ( the 1st yr is $50,004) plus full benefits that includes medical,dental, and vision care.

Columbus, the capital of Ohio state, is a mid-size city in the US. Livingis easy in Columbus with low crime rate and without much car traffic evenduring rush hour. People in Columbus are also very nice and welcoming comparedto those in big cities. Cost of living is also modest with apartment rentalprices ranging from $900 to $1200 a month for 2 bedrooms. The quality of publicprimary and secondary schools is also outstanding.

Interested applicants should submitCurriculum Vitae, a brief description of your research interests, and contactinformation of two or three references to: [email protected]. For moreinformation, see https://medicine.osu.edu/bcpharm/directory/faculty-directory/sung-ok-yoon/Pages/index.aspx




·      Location: MayoClinic - Rochester, MN

·      ApplicationDeadline: Open Until Filled

Position description

A Research Fellow at Mayo Clinic is a temporary position intended toprovide training and education in research. Individuals will train in theresearch program of a Mayo Clinic principal investigator. Qualified individualswill demonstrate the potential for research as evidenced by their training andpeer-reviewed publications and should become competitive for national researchgrants. Proof of English proficiency is required for J-1 Short-Term Scholars,Research Scholars, Professors, Specialists, and Student Interns sponsored byMayo Clinic. Please attach the following required documents at the time ofapplication.


Must have a Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent doctoral degree in a field deemedrelevant by the program. Research Fellow is appropriate for individuals whohave completed no more than one prior postdoctoral fellowship, at Mayo Clinicor elsewhere.



Postdoctoral Position

·      Duke UniversitySchool of Medicine

·      ApplicationDeadline: Open Until Filled

$47,000 - $65,000 a year (Indeed estimate)

School of Medicine:

Established in 1930, Duke University School of Medicine is the youngest ofthe nation’s top medical schools. Ranked tenth among its peers, the Schooltakes pride in being an inclusive community of outstanding learners,investigators, clinicians, and staff where traditional barriers are low, interdisciplinarycollaboration is embraced, and great ideas accelerate translation offundamental scientific discoveries to improve humanhealth locally and aroundthe globe.

Job Description

Comprised of 2,400 faculty physicians and researchers, the Duke UniversitySchool of Medicine along with the Duke University School of Nursing and DukeUniversity Health System create Duke Health . Duke Health is a world-classhealth care network. Founded in 1998 to provide efficient, responsive care, thehealth system offers a full network of health services and encompasses DukeUniversity Hospital, Duke Regional Hospital, Duke Raleigh Hospital, DukePrimary Care, Private Diagnostic Clinic, Duke Home and Hospice, Duke Health andWellness, and multiple affiliations.

The Locasale Lab is seeking an ambitious, driven scientist to join its labas a post-doctoral fellow. The candidate will have some experience in cellculture, 3D cell culture, molecular biology, biochemistry, in vivo experiments,imaging, live cell flux analysis, pH imaging, and metabolism studies. Interestin central carbon metabolism and cellular metabolism as a whole would be abonus. Candidate will have a focus in cancer biology and some experience withthe tumor microenvironment and immune system. The prospective candidate willhave writing skills, including first author peer-reviewed manuscripts, reviewpapers, and grant writing and will be looking to engage in team science whilerunning their independent projects. Candidates with funding are highly desirable.

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“科藤留学” 专注于服务高端留学(出国读博/做博后/访学)申请 ,服务靠谱,收费低廉,值得信赖。

大家可以扫一扫上面的二维码,加我们的资深留学顾问老师 Lin。加的时候请一定注明自己的专业及留学种类,不然可能无法通过哦。

送福利! 关注本号,1、后台回 高薪 获得众多百万薪酬的硕博职位;2、回复 公开课 ,获取中外读博/申博/访学、研究方法、英语课程哦。 3、回复 交友 ,获取两千多名中外名校单身博


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