专栏名称: 考研英语时事阅读
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英文早点 | 1221-考研同源外刊精析解读 · 语音讲解

考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-12-21 06:01



1969年,沃尔玛的定名为Wal-Mart,随即在一年之后它们就在原有名字后面加了个“Stores”,即现在大家熟知的Wal-Mart Stores。今年12月6日,零售巨头沃尔玛正式宣布更名,其法定名称将叫做 Walmart 了,Wal 与 Mart 中间的横杠和“Stores”的字样将彻底消失,这次改名意义重大,意味着未来它们将从一个靠实体商店销售产品的公司转型为线上线下并行的复合型公司,并越来越注重网上销售。这一改变将于2018年2 月份正式开始。该公司已经花费数十亿美元购买 Jet.com 和 Bonobos 等网站,并鼓励其顾客通过线上购物。沃尔玛大约 95%的销售额是来自于线下门店,在过去的一年里,该公司已经购买了一些特殊的电子商务网站,包括 ModCloth,Moosejaw ,Bonobos 和 ShoeBuy,并开始在其网站上运载 KitchenAid 和 Bose 等高端品牌。对此,沃尔玛总裁兼首席执行官道格·麦克米伦(Doug McMillon)说:“我们的顾客都熟悉沃尔玛,现在他们不仅在我们的实体商店购物,而且还在线上通过我们的应用程序来购物。”

BGM:K.O.B.E-Kobe Bryant/Tyra Banks


1220-考研同源外刊精析解读 · 语音讲解


The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. 


Walmart is changing its name

The name change is another iteration of Walmart's growing emphasis on ecommerce and its departure from the purely store-based strategy of its past.


While our legal name is used in a limited number of places, we felt it was best to have a name that was consistent with the idea that you can shop us however you like as a customer.

英文文本选自:Walmart is changing its name,Aol

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consistent 英[kən'sɪst(ə)nt]美[kən'sɪstənt] 


  1. adj.(always behaving in the same way,or having the same opinions, standards, etc.)一致的;始终如一的

  2. adj.(happening in the same way and continuing for a period of time)连续的;持续的



  1. con-共同

  2. -sist站立

  3. -ent形容词词尾

  4. consistent  一致的 (con-共同+-sist-站立+-ent形容词词尾→共同站立起来→一致的)



  1. 1570年来自拉丁语consistentem原意为“standing firm,standing still”

  2. 1640年出现了现代意义的“同意”与with合用



  1. consistent with  符合;与....一致

  2. consistent quality  始终如一的质量

  3. consistent policy  一贯的政策

  4. consistent principle  一致性原则

  5. self consistent field  自洽场


  1. consist  在于;符合(con-强调+sist站→我特意强调了我已经站起来了符合要求→符合)

  2. consistently  一贯地;一致地;坚实地(consistent一致地+ly副词词尾→一致地)

  3. consistency  一致性;连贯性;坚实度(con共同+sist站立+ency名词词尾→一致性;连贯性)



  • (2009,英一,text3)More recently, while examining housing construction, the researchers discovered that illiterate, non-English- speaking Mexican workers in Houston, Texas, consistently met best-practice labor productivity standards despite the complexity of the building industry's work.

pure 英 [pjʊə]美  [pjʊr]


  1. adj.([usually before noun ]not mixed with anything else ;with nothing added)纯的;纯净的;纯粹的

  2. adj.(clean and not containing any harmful substances)干净的;不含有害物质的

  3. adj.([only before noun]complete and total)完全的;纯粹的

  4. adj.(very clear;perfect)清晰的;纯正的

  5. adj.(without evil thoughts or actions,especially sexual ones; morally good)纯真的;无邪的

  6. adj.([only before noun]concerned with increasing knowledge of the subject rather than with using knowledge in practical ways)纯理论的;非应用的

  7. adj.(not mixed with any other breed or race,ect.)血统纯的;纯种的



  1. 词根pur=pure  纯洁

  2. pure  纯洁的;单纯的;干净的 (pur纯洁+ -e[a.]后缀)


  1. 12世纪晚期来自古英语中,作为一个姓氏原意为“lamb without a blemish”意为“无瑕疵的羔羊”

  2. 1300年来自古老的法国pur意为“纯粹,简单,绝对”;从拉丁语purus意为“干净,清晰”

  3. 14世纪中期有“免于道德败坏”的记录

  4. 15世纪晚期有提到“血统”的意思



  1. pure water  纯水;净水;纯净水

  2. pure white  纯白;纯白色;纯洁白

  3. pure gold  纯金;足赤

  4. pure love  纯真的爱情

  5. pure land  净土;[宗]极乐园

  6. pure and simple  十足的;完全的

  7. pure oxygen  纯氧

  8. pure color  纯色

  9. pure form  纯形式

  10. pure metal  纯金属



  1. impure  不纯净的,不洁的;不道德的,下流的


  2. puritan  清教徒的

    (pur纯洁+itan→n.清教徒 adj.清教徒的)

  3. impurity  不纯;杂质;不道德


  4. purist  纯化论者


  5. purity  纯净;纯洁;纯度


  6. purge  清洗,洗涤




  1. moral,  clean,  blameless,  decent,  innocent,  proper,  wholesome“无害的,适宜的”

  2. stainless,  whole,  white,  net,  clean  “纯的;纯粹的;纯洁的;清白的;纯理论的”

  3. thoroughb,  redped,  igreed,  pureb,  redpure-blooded,  full-blooded  “纯种的”



  • (英二,text1)The bargain is very pure: Employee puts in hours of physical or mental labor and employee draws out life-sustaining moola. 

settle 英 ['set(ə)l] 美 ['sɛtl]


  1. v.(to end an argument or solve a disagreement)和解;结束〔争论〕;解决〔分歧〕

  2. v.([T usually passive,一般用被动态] to decide what you are going to do, especially so that you can make definite arrangements)确定,决定

  3. v.(to go to live in a new place, and stay there for a long time )定居   [+ in]

  4. v.(to make yourself or sb else comfortable in a new position)使处于舒适的位置

  5. v.((on/over sth)to fall from above and come to rest on sth;to stay for some time on sth)降落;停留

  6. n.有背长靠椅



  1. 词根-sed=sit “坐”

  2. Settle 定居;停息;安定;解决(set[双写t] 坐+le动词词尾→事情解决了,能坐下来了

  3. →定居,解决)

  4. vocabulary in use: 用元音降级(a/e/i/o/u依次降级,本义不变)来记住词根sed,

  5. 元音降级,sed中的元音/e/降一级为/i/=sit-坐,位于(此处t/d为相似音)



  1. 1550年来源于古英语中“setl”原意为“long bench”

  2. 14世纪早期有“堕落,屈服”

  3. 15世纪早期指“液体中悬浮的粒子”

  4. 1620年有“建立永久居住地”和“决定”的意思

  5. 1718年有“已婚夫妇建立家庭的生活方式”

  6. 1943年开始有“自我满足”的意思



  1. settle down  定居;安定下来;专心于

  2. settle in  迁入

  3. settle for  满足于

  4. settle on  选定;授与;停在

  5. settle into  习惯于.......

  6. settle with  与.....清算;和......和解

  7. settle up  付清;了结;结账

  8. settle an account  结算

  9. settle dispute  解决争端;解决争议

  10. settle account  结账



  1. preset  事先调整;事先装置  


  2. settee  有靠背的长椅  


  3. setting  安置, 安装  

    (set安置好+ing状态→setting安置, 安装)

  4. settlement  沉降, 解决, 结算, 殖民, 殖民地  

    (settle[v.安定,安顿;停息;定居;解决,调停]+ment表名词→n.沉降, 解决, 结算, 殖民, 殖民地)

  5. inset  添入[物],插入


  6. reset  重新安排,重调  




  1. decide, determine, resolve, settle 这些动词都含“决定”之意

  2. decide  侧重指经过思考、比较、讨论或询问之后做出的决定

  3. determine  指经过深思熟虑,决心去做某事并坚持施行

  4. resolve  语气较强,强调以坚定不移的信念去做或不做某事,暗含有远大抱负和坚强决心

  5. settle  指排除犹豫、怀疑和争论之后作出明确的最终结论 

  6. dwell, reside, live, lodge, inhabit, settle 这些动词均有“居住,定居”之意

  7. dwell  文学上的用词,口语中通常用live代替

  8. reside  书面用词,指合法的永久性居住,也指在豪华的住宅里居住

  9. live  最普通用词,指固定的居住,可以是长期的,也可以是临时的

  10. lodge  指短时间或临时住宿

  11. inhabit  强调人或动物居住在某个地区并已适应某种特殊环境

  12. settle  侧重指某人定居于城市、国家或地区,而不是居住的住所



  • (2014,英一,part B)The resulting settlement maps show how the distribution and density of the rural population around the city changed dramatically between AD 500 and 850, when Copan collapsed.


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Instead of selling items in bulk that allow for long-term savings, dollar stores sell small quantities of items that customers can afford — even if they end up paying more on a per-ounce or per-item basis in the long run.

多来店不是散装销售能够长期储蓄的物品,而是销售顾客可以负担得起的小量物品 - 即使最终他们在每盎司或每件物品上实际付的钱是更多了。

1.首先,这句话的主干是dollar stores sell small quantities of items

2.这个句子中出现的两个的that,第一个that后面是动词allow(复数),缺主语,that前面的名词items(复数)是that从句的主语(也是先行词),所以第一个that引导定语从句;第二个that后面的从句中动词afford缺宾语,afford sth,that前面的名词items是that从句中动词afford的宾语,第二个that也是引导定语从句

3.even if引导的是让步状语从句,翻译为“即使”;


音频主播: Joanna-乔小乔


图文编辑: Pedestrian

背景: 晶晶