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计算机 | 下半年截稿 | SCI期刊专刊约稿信息4条

Call4Papers  · 公众号  · 科研  · 2021-03-12 09:57



Computer Communications

Special Issue on Deep Reinforcement Learning for Future Wireless Network Virtualization

全文截稿: 2021-06-15

影响因子: 2.816

CCF分类: C类


• 大类 : 工程技术 - 3区

• 小类 : 计算机:信息系统 - 3区

• 小类 : 工程:电子与电气 - 3区

• 小类 : 电信学 - 3区


The objective of this specific issue is to explore recent developments in DRL and address practical challenges in Wireless Network Virtualization that promote researchers to present their research on the innovative DRL system, network modelling and architecture, technical challenges in terms of instantiation, operation and management of wireless network virtualization.

Original research and review articles in this area are encouraged in the following topic areas including, but are not limited to:

Wireless Virtualization and dynamic spectrum management using DRL

Experimentation and simulations of DRL in Network communications

Channel allocation algorithms considering QoS for Mobile Network Virtualization

Addressing Physical Layer issues Wireless communication in using DRL

Improved Service Provisioning in Wireless Virtualization Enabled Networks

Spectrum Sharing in Virtualized Networks

DRL for Performance analysis in Dynamic spectrum resource allocation in Wireless Network Virtualization

Software-Defined Networks and Edge Computing over IoT : Challenges and Issues

Wireless Virtualization and evaluation of virtual architectures

Application of DRL for power rate control, traffic shaping and Scheduling

DRL for identifying network security threats and vulnerabilities in SDN

Virtualization via Software Defined Radio (SDR)

DRL in mobile edge computing, wireless caching, and mobile data offloading

DRL in Fault detection, auto-diagnosing and Network forensic applications

Performance Analysis on efficient network access and channel utilization using DRL

Tentative SI Timeline:

Manuscript Submission Deadline Date: 15, June 2021

Authors Notification Date: 20, August 2021

Revised Papers Due Date: 25, November 2021

Final notification Date: 05, February 2022


Control Engineering Practice

Special Issue on Recent Advances on Intelligent Control of Autonomous Systems

全文截稿: 2021-07-01

影响因子: 3.193

CCF分类: 无


• 大类 : 工程技术 - 3区

• 小类 : 自动化与控制系统 - 3区

• 小类 : 工程:电子与电气 - 3区


During the past decades, autonomous systems have attracted considerable attention due to their capability of performing various operations with minimal or without human supervision. Because of the salient features of high autonomy and mobility, they are vitally important tools for numerous applications in civilian and military missions covering the areas of marine, ground, aeronautics, and aerospace. However, with the ever-increasing mission complexity, the traditional control algorithms can barely satisfy the need for high control efficiency and enhanced control performance, especially under diverse and challenging environmental conditions. In view of this, intelligent control of autonomous systems has been evolving by taking advantage of advanced technologies including neural networks, fuzzy logic systems, learning and adaptive control, model predictive control, and so on. Moreover, since the cooperative operations of multiple autonomous systems offer great advantages with improved capability and swarm intelligence, a critical trend is intelligent collaborative control of autonomous systems. Other topics such as system safety, performance optimization, fault detection and accommodation, human-machine interaction for autonomous systems are also remained to be further investigated. This Special Issue will present the recent major theoretical and technical advances of intelligent control methods for autonomous systems through simulations and experiments. The purpose of the Special Issue is to: 1) increase the control efficiency, robustness, and self-adaptation of autonomous systems to unexpected internal and external environmental changes; 2) improve the operational intelligence of single or multiple autonomous systems; 3) explore the future control strategy and mission planning for autonomous systems. The Special Issue is aimed at both academia and industry: articles presenting applications in the real case are solicited together with more academic articles with innovative theoretical aspects, but which always present at least simulations by a benchmark representative of the real case.

Potential topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Intelligent control of autonomous surface/underwater/ground/aerial vehicles

Adaptive and learning control of autonomous systems

Neural network and fuzzy control of autonomous systems

Approximate/adaptive dynamic programming for intelligent control of autonomous systems

Deep learning, reinforcement learning, and meta learning of autonomous systems

Fuzzy inference systems, artificial neural networks, and genetic algorithms for autonomous systems

Swarm intelligence and collaborative control of autonomous systems

Hybrid evolutionary systems: neurofuzzy systems, fuzzy genetic algorithm, evolutionary neurofuzzy systems, genetic learning-PSO for autonomous systems

Human-machine interactions and shared control autonomous systems

Evolutionary control of autonomous systems

Intelligent optimization of autonomous systems

Intelligent mission planning for single or multiple autonomous systems

Intelligent fault detection and fault-tolerant control of autonomous systems

Intelligent model predictive control of autonomous systems

Adaptive disturbance estimation, state observation of autonomous systems

Design, development, validation, and applications of intelligent autonomous systems

Control Engineering Practice is a premier IFAC journal that publishes papers with direct applications of profound control theory and its supporting tools in all possible areas of automation.


Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

Special Issue on “In memoriam Luc Wuytack”

全文截稿: 2021-07-09

影响因子: 2.037

CCF分类: 无


When Luc Wuytack passed away on November 6th, 2020, the journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics lost one of its founding editors who held the role of co-editor-in-chief until the end of 2018.

Since Luc’s tireless efforts undoubtedly contributed to the success of journal CAM, to recognize his precious and long service to the journal we are seeking a broad range of extremely valuable research and survey articles exemplifying the field to which Luc devoted his career and around which the development of the journal started.

More precisely, the Special Issue is mainly focused on (but not limited to) papers dealing with numerical and computational aspects of approximation theory, classical and modern approximation methods ranging from rational and Padé approximants to splines, methods of numerical integration, iterative processes for solving nonlinear equations and any other numerical approximation techniques for solving various types of mathematical and applied problems.

Authors are encouraged to submit high-quality, original work that has neither appeared in, nor is under consideration by, other journals. All submissions will be peer-reviewed following the standards of Journal CAM and should be submitted via the following link Editorial Manager? by the deadline specified below. We recommend authors to choose “VSI: in mem. L. Wuytack” as the Article Type Name during the submission process.

Important Date

Submission opening: March 8th, 2021

Submission deadline: July 9th, 2021


Physical Communication

Special Issue on Architecture, protocols and management of indoor wireless communications

全文截稿: 2021-07-30

影响因子: 1.594

CCF分类: 无


• 大类 : 工程技术 - 4区

• 小类 : 工程:电子与电气 - 4区

• 小类 : 电信学 - 4区


The emergence of new wireless communication technologies represents a global revolution that is changing the way we interact with and learn about our environment. Effective low-cost wireless communication started an era of highly connected societies and serves as a strong driver of business innovation. The implementation and adoption of wireless-enabled technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) faces a wide range of barriers, from physical network architectures to data analytics. One of the current challenges is to design novel approaches for integrating, operating and managing large-scale indoor wireless networks (i-wireless). Network management and control solutions are fundamental wireless communication requirements to manage their complexity, provide scalability, preserve user’s privacy and guarantee usability. This special issue focuses on i-wireless communications because this sector makes up for more than a half of the total IoT market value. Moreover, most of the grand technical challenges hindering effective operation of wireless systems are mainly found in indoor deployments, including: 1) interoperability, where devices coming from different vendors need to interoperate to achieve common goals; 2) set-up and management: i-wireless network systems are often managed by IT novice users (owners of the system), thus systems must be able to self-recover from failures quickly and cost-effectively; 3) spectrum sharing: i-wireless communications are commonly characterised by Low Power Local Area Networking (LPLAN) technologies, which operate in the overcrowded 2.4GHz unlicensed band making it challenging to achieve reliable short-range communications in high levels of interference. 4) integration with LPWAN: IoT in open scenarios uses technologies like SIGFOX and LoRaWAN to collect and forward data, Integration of LPLAN with LPWAN would allow for wider and more global solutions.
