专栏名称: 任宝斋
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  任宝斋


任宝斋  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-04-29 17:09


有玩友盘过陨石吗?最近有玩友晒出了他盘玩的一块陨石,这块陨石从外观上看,线条光滑,貌似已经包浆了。Have you ever played with meteorites? Recently, a playmate sunned a meteorite he was playing with. The meteorite looks smooth and looks like it has been pulped.

包浆后的陨石,看着还挺漂亮。这块包浆的陨石,再次证明了,万物皆可盘,就看你是不是认真的!The meteorite wrapped in the slurry looks very beautiful. This muddy meteorite proves once again that everything can be discarded, depending on whether you are serious or not!

说到盘陨石,玩友们可能会有这样或那样的问题,盘玩君就玩友们最关心的问题来解释一下。Speaking of meteorites, friends may have such or such problems, so you can explain the most concerned problems of friends.


前段时间,盘玩君写了一篇盘陨石手串的文章,有玩友就留言问:陨石有辐射吗?长期盘玩会不会对身体造成不良影响?Some time ago, Pan Yongjun wrote an article about the hand string of Pan meteorite. When there were friends, they left a message asking: Does the meteorite radiate? Will long-term disc play have adverse effects on the body?

先说结论吧:据北京天文馆馆长朱进接受记者采访时表示, 陨石基本上不可能有辐射。First come to the conclusion: According to Zhu Jin, director of the Beijing Astronomical Museum, in an interview with reporters, meteorites are basically impossible to radiate.

曾经有报道称陨石雨释放的能力相当于原子弹爆炸,朱馆长解释说,用核爆炸做比较,只是指陨石坠落时所释放的能力大小,与核辐射无关。It has been reported that meteorite rain releases as much energy as an atomic bomb explosion. Zhu explained that comparing with nuclear explosion, it only refers to the ability of meteorite to release when it falls, which has nothing to do with nuclear radiation.

大约92.8%的陨石的主要成分是二氧化硅(普通岩石),5.7%是铁和镍。其他的陨石是这三种物质的混合物。含石量大的陨星称为陨石,含铁量大的陨星称为陨铁。 陨石本身没有放射性。

About 92.8% of meteorites are mainly composed of silica (common rock), and 5.7% of them are iron and nickel. Other meteorites are a mixture of these three substances. Meteorites with large amounts of rocks are called meteorites, and meteorites with large amounts of iron are called meteorites. Meteorites themselves are not radioactive.

因此不用担心陨石的放射性,通常情况下,陨石是不会产生辐射的,可以放心盘玩。Therefore, there is no need to worry about the radioactivity of meteorites. Usually, meteorites do not produce radiation, so they can play safely.


盘玩君曾经写过有关陨石的文章,去年西双版纳天降“陨石雨”,引起当地村民的哄抢,闻风而去的陨石爱好者,高价收购村民们手中的陨石,其中曼仑村发现的第一块陨石, 已经以122600元的价格被人收购。Pan Yuejun once wrote about meteorites. Last year, a meteorite rain fell in Xishuangbanna, which caused local villagers to rush to buy meteorites. Meteorite fans who went to Wenfeng bought them at a high price. Among them, the first meteorite found in Manlun Village has been purchased at the price of 122,600 yuan.

陨石的价格被炒得很高,为了牟利,有很多的不良商家会利用玩家不懂陨石,各种造假,如果不懂陨石,很容易被坑。The price of meteorites is very high, in order to make profits, many bad businesses will use players do not know meteorites, all kinds of forgery, if they do not understand meteorites, it is easy to be cratered.

最常规的判断陨石真假是看陨石的气印、融流线和融壳。The most common way to judge whether a meteorite is true or false is to look at its gas stamp, melt line and melt crust.



But for small white players, these methods of judging meteorites are simple to say, but very difficult to operate in practice.

For example, to judge whether meteorites are true or false, there must be a seal. This method is also unscientific.

气印,顾名思义,就是气体留下的印记。这是很不科学的,因为气印确实在经典的铁陨石或者石陨石中出现过,但那是特殊性的陨石,不具有一般性。Impression, as its name implies, is the imprint left by gas. This is very unscientific, because airprints do appear in classical iron meteorites or meteorites, but they are special meteorites, not general.

如果你研究的陨石足够多,你就会发现,每一个陨石都有自己的特征,这是由陨石的基质组成决定的,陨石在通过大气层的过程中低沸点物质剥蚀、汽化的过程,会根据陨石内部晶体的不同,形成不同的气印,有大的、小的、深的、浅的,甚至干脆没有气印。If you study enough meteorites, you will find that each meteorite has its own characteristics, which is determined by the composition of the meteorite matrix. The process of denudation and vaporization of the low boiling point material in the process of meteorite passing through the atmosphere will form different gas prints according to the different crystals inside the meteorite, with large, small, deep, shallow or even without gas prints at all.

还有一个判断陨石真假的办法是用吸铁石来吸陨石,真正的陨石是有磁性的。但这个说法也是不科学的。有些陨石带有强烈的磁性,有些则是微弱磁性,有些几乎没有磁性,这是陨石的客观现实。有无磁性不改变是否陨石的问题。Another way to judge whether a meteorite is true or not is to use an iron-absorbing rock to absorb the meteorite. The real meteorite is magnetic. But this statement is also unscientific. Some meteorites have strong magnetism, some have weak magnetism and some have almost no magnetism. This is the objective reality of meteorites. There is a question whether magnetism does not change whether meteorites are present or not.

所以判断陨石真假需要玩友去认真、系统的学习,要多玩多看,如果在不懂的情况下,贸然出手,在这里盘玩君并不建议大家在不了解陨石时,就去买陨石盘玩。So judging whether meteorites are true or false requires serious and systematic study, play more and see more. If you don't understand the situation, you rush to play. Here, Pantou Jun does not recommend that you buy meteorites when you don't know about meteorites.

虽然不建议大家轻易出手,不过陨石以其独特的纹路和质地,还是赢得了不少玩家的喜爱,文章的最后,我们一起来观赏下玩友们收集的漂亮陨石:Although we do not recommend that you easily start, but meteorites with its unique lines and texture, or won the favor of many players, the end of the article, let's watch the beautiful meteorites collected by friends play:


Have you ever played with meteorites?
