有网友提醒,上一条微博说到的有关芒格关于“常识”的说法,可能中文翻译有歧义。于是,我找到了两段芒格讲话的英文原文,与雪球ID RanRan的中文译文对照摘录如下,我估计各人的理解会有不同。恳请英文好的同学挺身而出释疑,利人利己,善莫大焉。
But of course when people talk about common sense they mean ‘uncommon sense’. Every time you hear that somebody has a lot of common sense it means he’s got uncommon sense. And it is much harder to have common sense than it is generally thought.
But of course when people talk about common sense they mean ‘uncommon sense’. Every time you hear that somebody has a lot of common sense it means he’s got uncommon sense. And it is much harder to have common sense than it is generally thought.