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推广 |【INNER/因而教育】悬崖公寓室内部分

archrace  · 公众号  · 建筑设计  · 2017-05-10 13:39





I was finally able to setup some interior scenes for the cliff retreat design. I decided to go black and white with these images to relate back to the black and white exterior images generated a few posts ago . However, the desaturated colors will also help play up the light and shadow of the interior views and highlight the concrete textures that dominate the space.

A 神在室内场景决定使用黑白为主色调,同时不饱和色调也同样有助于内部光线和阴影的影响,并且突出显示主导空间的材质。

1. Sketchup Model

SU 模型

Above is a hidden line view of the Sketchup model. The 3d  model remained relatively simple with a Kahn like waffle slab to help break up the large concrete ceiling plane. All furniture was found in Sketchup 3D Warehouse.

上面图使用类似华夫饼的拼版来展示分解混凝土天花板的构成, 3D 模型相对简单,所以家具都可以在 SU 3D Warehouse 里面找到。

Above is the Sketchup model with materialsturned on. A lot of my time was spent experimenting with concrete textures and honing in on the right amount of bump and reflection. While I like to photoshop textures on exterior views like these images, it is too difficult to manually texture in interior scenes. Interior views often have too much geometry and detail to mask around and too many reflective surfaces to deal with.

A 神使用大量时间和精力在场景中对材质进行研磨,在光照方面测试合适的反射次数。 A 神的经验告诉我们室内场景中使用室外环境材质的纹理展示较为困难,室内环境通常需要展示大量的细节,并且表面反射也是一个重点考虑对象。

2. V-Ray Base Rendering

V-Ray 基本渲染

Above shows the V-Ray base rendering. Along with the concrete texture, I also setup a gloss white acrylic for the Saarinen Tulip furniture, chrome materials for the Arco floor lamp and Barcelona chairs, and a simple wood material for the millwork on the left.

上图中除了具体的材质还添加了 Saarinen 郁金香家具、 Arco 的落地灯、巴塞罗那椅子,并在椅子上面添加镀铬材料,对左边的木制品做了木材的设置,添加了白色亚克力。

3. Photoshop

