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译文 :只需4招,教你轻松打造更高效的开放数据项目

数据分析  · 公众号  · 大数据  · 2017-04-18 15:06




原创译文 | 只需4招,教你轻松打造更高效的开放数据项目



今年2月初,美国新泽西州州长Chris Christie签署法规,要求该州所有政府机构执行透明化办公,公开政务信息。此外,加州萨利纳斯市引入了价值230万美元的文件管理系统,正式开始实施开放数据和民众监督战略,保障该市及其周边地区的安全。该项目旨在以一种更公开、更可行的方式发布该市政府网站的信息,引导民众积极参与监督政府工作。这就需要实施开放数据政策。


“当今的时代是大数据和开放数据的时代。说到开放数据战略,很多人想到的是那些国际化的大城市,比如上海、伦敦、洛杉矶或者旧金山,事实上,现在这一趋势已经从大城市蔓延到中小城市了。”萨利纳斯市执政官Ray Corpuz Jr.在发布会上介绍道。





新泽西州的开放数据计划并不仅仅是针对新的数据共享标准制定了相关法规,而且还确立了首席数据官的地位,任命Liz Rowe为首席数据官,全权管理开放数据计划。


自2015年起,Rowe就担任该职务并表现突出。她接受“Government Technology”报纸采访时说,在她初上任时是负责制定企业数据的验证和管理策略。现在,在新的政策法规下,她将利用她的职权为新泽西州政府的各个部门制定数据集格式标准,分享最佳实践。




非盈利组织“阳光基金会”(Sunlight Foundation)称,首席数据官要确保所有的公共数据能及时发布,并鼓励公众监督数据的发布和更新,以更好的接收反馈,促进民众合作意愿。该基金会通过技术和政策分析来提高政府工作的透明度,确保问责到人。该组织还呼吁制定更多更高效的城市开放数据政策。












洛杉矶市监控员Ron Galperin在记者发布会上说:“我们是希望能够尽量减少开罚单的,但是我们不能想着怎么减少开罚单的数量,而是应该提出一种高效的解决方案,在车主停车的时候提醒他这里是否能停车——从根本上减少罚单的产生。”







4 Ways to Build a More Effective Open DataProgram


Open data initiatives are helping localgovernments everywhere establish trust and transparency while garnering greaterresident participation and accessibility to resources. And they are launchingeverywhere.


In early February, with the aim to increasetransparency throughout the state, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie signedlegislation that requires all state agencies to enact data transparency.


Meanwhile, in the city of Salinas, Calif.,armed with a new $2.3-million records-management software system, thegovernment is embarking on an open data and civic engagement initiative thattargets neighborhood safety, The Californian reports. The project aims toorganize data in a presentable and useable way on the city’s recentlyoverhauled website in order to engage more deeply with the public. It will alsoresult in the creation of an open data policy.


“We are in the age of big data and open data. A lot of people thinkof big cities and what they are doing internationally. You hear about Shanghai,London, Los Angeles and San Francisco, but really the movement for data and newtechnology has come through the big-sized cities to at least 100 other citiesacross the country,” said Salinas’ City Manager Ray Corpuz Jr. at a pressconference.


But as cities embark on new open datapolicies, it’s important to understand how to securely and effectivelyimplement open data initiatives.


1. Get a Chief Data Officer


The New Jersey Open Data Initiative doesn’tjust set forth rules around new data sharing standards, it also solidifies thechief data officer position, placing New Jersey CDO Liz Rowe in control of theopen data initiative.


Rowe has been active in her role since2015, telling Government Technology that she was originally brought onboard todevelop a strategy to define and manage enterprise data. Now, with the new law,she will use her authority to develop a data-set format standard across allagencies, share best practices and more.


"The initiative will help us drive thedevelopment of common standards and governance across the executivebranch," Rowe told the publication.


CDOs can help to ensure all public data ispublished in a timely manner, and to encourage public participation around thedata as it is released and updated, providing regular opportunities forfeedback and collaboration, according to the nonprofit Sunlight Foundation. Thefoundation uses technology and policy analysis to improve governmenttransparency and accountability. It has released recommendations aroundbuilding more effective open data policies for cities.


2. Establish an Easy-to-Use Website


With transparency and community engagementas the aim of open data, governments should be sure to place all open data on apublicly available city website, and be sure to maintain it.


But some cities are going even further. InRiverside, Calif., officials are going beyond portals by creating a municipalapps page, dedicated to hosting Android and iPhone apps that offer easy accessto data sets, including “311 requests, geolocated landmarks around town, orpublic meeting agendas,” according to an article on the Sunlight Foundation’swebsite.


3. Cater to Your Citizens


Open data has tons of creative uses, butneeds differ across localities.


In Los Angeles, a city that issues morethan 2.4 million parking tickets annually, the government launched an open dataportal in January that aims to give residents insight into where and when topark. According to an article on 21st Century State, the website providesdrivers with information on the most common times and reasons that violationsare issued.


“As much as we’d like to reduce parking fines, we currently rely onthe revenues,” said Los Angeles Controller Ron Galperin in a press release.“Rather than just cut ticket prices now, we should instead invest in newsolutions that will help to reduce administrative costs, and give people aclearer indication whether they can park in a spot — so as to not get a ticketin the first place.”


4. Report and Review Your Open DataStrategy


Once a year, be sure to assess and reportthe city’s open data strategy, including “an assessment of how the city’s opendata work has furthered or will further the city’s programmatic priorities, anda description and publication timeline for datasets envisioned to be publishedby the city in the following year,” according to the Sunlight Foundation.


The results of the report will allow a cityto ensure city officials and open data projects are actively working towardachieving the city’s open data goals.



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