如果无神论定于一尊,或者某种宗教取得绝对统治地位之后,对于别的崇信者展开的迫害,人类历史上可谓屡见不鲜,见怪不怪。然而,这并不意味着宗教信仰就是绝对的善,而其对立面就是绝对的恶。就连托克维尔这样对宗教颇表同情的思想者也曾坦言:若主权者的权威是宗教性质的,随之而来广泛流传的伪善恐怕会是在所难免的(in the United States the sovereign authority is religious, and consequently hypocrisy must be common)。
黑格尔曾一针见血地指出:宗教往往会要求人们放弃个人意志,然而在世俗生活中,个人意志往往被视为社会秩序的基石(religion demands the suspension [德语原词Aufheben] of the will, whereas the secular principle treats the will as fundamental)。意大利近世学人Balbino Giuliano曾说:每一种宗教,就其本质而言,都在试图占领世俗生活并推广其教义,宗教活动的最终本质,朝向的都是神权统治的建立( “every religion, by its very nature and by the very nature of its mission, tends to dominate secular life with all its strength and impose its teaching on it: every religion necessarily becomes a church; and its ideal, no matter how it is camouflaged or modified by historical circumstances, is necessarily theocracy.” )
(参阅Piero Gobetti: On Liberal Revolution, Yale University Press, 2000, p.74-75)
十九世纪的美国讽刺作家Ambrose Bierce 曾经非常辛辣地定义过 “信念”(faith)一词,他说“信念”实际上就是相信某物但又没有证据,所相信的主要来自别人所说,而所说的人对其所说之物其实又一无所知,最关键这所说之物往往还出离于人间,并不是现世中我们能见到的东西。(“belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel”.) 当然,现代宗教的追随者也是有所反击的,比如有的人辛辣地指出:那些自认为是无神论的人难道不也正是视无神论本身为一种信仰吗?(I thought of myself as an atheist until I realized it was a belief, too);又或者:“我们还是要信仰上帝啊,因为这个世界上偏偏就是有些难题任你怎么搜索谷歌也解答不了啊” (always believe in God, because there are some questions that even Google can’t answer) 。