专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-10-27 11:33


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)获悉,印度商务部的临时数据显示, 8 月印度半成品材出口量同比激增 194% ,达到 574,074 吨,其中大部分是方坯。然而,这是在四个月内首次跌破 90 万吨。

Indian semi-finished product exports, the majority ofwhich were billet, surged 194% on-year in August to 574,074 tonnes, Kallanish learnsfrom Indian commerce ministry provisional data. They however dropped below900,000t for the first time in four months.

8 HS 编码 720719 方坯出口均值为 377 美元 / 吨,而 2019 8 月为 390 美元 / 吨, 2020 7 月为 372 美元 / 吨。

The average value of HS code 720719 billet exports was$377/tonne in August versus $390/t in August 2019 and $372/t in July 2020.

中国仍然是主要的增长动力, 8 月印度半成品材对中国出口量为 276,733 吨,而去年同期为 17,010 吨。对尼泊尔出口量同比减少 25% ,为 64,530 吨,但对斯里兰卡出口量增长 165% ,为 64,162 吨。对菲律宾出口量为 62,252 吨,而去年同期为零,对泰国出口量增长 284% ,达到 40,304 吨。

China continued to be the main growth driver, taking in276,733t of overall Indian semis exports in August versus 17,010t a yearearlier. Nepal decreased intake -25% on-year to 64,530t but Sri Lanka took in165% more at 64,162t. The Philippines took in 62,252t versus zero a yearearlier, while Thailand increased intake 284% to 40,304t.

因此, 1-8 月半成品材出口量同比增长 230% ,达到 438 万吨,中国、尼泊尔和泰国排名前三。

Semis exports in January-August thus rose 230% on-year to4.38 million tonnes, with China, Nepal and Thailand the top markets in that order.

印度另一主要钢材出口产品——热轧板材出口量在 8 月增长 24% ,达到 817,140 吨,较前几个月增速有所放缓(见 Kallanish 往期报道)。 1-8 月出口量增长 74% ,达到 545 万吨。

Shipments abroad of India’s other major steel export –hot rolled flat products – grew 24% in August to 817,140t, slowing from muchmore rapid growth in previous months ( see Kallanish passim ). Eight-monthexports rose 74% to 5.45mt.
