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考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2017-03-25 06:10




Stand your ground beef


Breeding cows that can defend themselves against jaguars


If big cats don’t kill livestock, farmers won’t shoot them


From the print edition | The Americas


RANCHERS in Colombia’s Meta department can be vengeful folk. From time to time jaguars emerge from a clump of forest, streak across the savannah and attack one of a panic-stricken herd of cows. When that happens, ranchers hunt the offender down and shoot it. That practice is endangering the cats’ survival. Panthera, a charity that manages “corridors” for jaguars that stretch from Argentina to Mexico, guesses that just 5,000 of the cats are left in los llanos, Colombia’s scorching savannah. It has come up with a less violent way of protecting both the jaguars and the cattle.


  • Vengeful:adj.复仇的,报复的    

  • Emerge from:自……出现

  • Savannah:n.大草原,热带草原   

  • Rancher:n.大农场经营者,农场工人

The idea is to teach cattle self-defence, or rather to breed the instinct into them. The cows that graze in los llanos are mostly Zebu, which are popular with ranchers for their fast growth, large size and white hides. But they have an unfortunate habit of fleeing in all directions when danger approaches. Panthera’s idea is to replace panicky Zebu with cattle that stand their ground, or to interbreed the two. Esteban Payán, who directs Panthera’s operations in northern South America, chose San Martineros, a little-known subspecies of Criollo cattle descended from Spanish fighting bulls. Few jaguars dare to challenge a massed group of 500kg (1,100-pound) San Martineros, their horns levelled. Docile with humans, they are fierce defenders of territory and their young. Mr Payán recounts that San Martineros chased away a puma before it could eat a capybara it had killed in their paddock.


  • Breed 培育   

  • llano 【西班牙语】大草原   

  • Zebu 瘤牛   

  • Panicky 惊慌的   

  • Docile 温顺的   

  • Paddock 小牧场   

  • Capybara 水豚

Eugenics seems to work. Since 2012 Mr Payán has been working with Eduardo Enciso, a rancher in Meta, who already had some San Martinero cattle. Mr Enciso reports that both purebred San Martinero cows and the offspring of Zebus that have been inseminated by San Martinero bulls do indeed stick together when jaguars approach. (读者试译)Cattle that are just a quarter San Martinero may be just as brave, says Mr Payán. No jaguars have attacked cattle on Las Pampas, Mr Enciso’s 4,000-hectare ranch, since the programme began, he says. Zebu-only ranches in the area suffer a dozen attacks a year.

优生学似乎起作用了。自2012年巴杨便与爱德华多·恩西索一起共事,恩西索是梅塔的大牧场主,并且拥有几头圣马尔蒂内若斯牛。(期待您的翻译,明天会有针对这句话的长难句解析哟~)巴杨说,哪怕仅有四分之一圣马尔蒂内若斯牛血统的杂交后代也能和纯种圣马尔蒂内若斯牛一样勇猛。自从恩西索在他 4000公顷的牧场里开始实行这个项目,美洲豹不敢再袭击牛。而同地区仅放牧瘤牛的牧场一年要遭受十几次美洲豹的袭击。

  • Eugenics 优生学   

  • Rancher 大牧场主;牧场工人    

  • Purebred 纯血统的

  • Inseminate 使受精,使怀孕   

  • Jaguar 美洲虎    

  • Hectare 公顷

Panthera is trying to get other ranchers to adopt the technique, but just four have so far expressed interest. Some contend that smaller San Martinero bulls cannot mount their Zebu cows, though Mr Enciso denies this. Certainly, there is nothing wrong with their libidos, he says. Perhaps more important, butchers think San Martineros are scrawny and dislike their reddish hue (hybrids can look like either variety or a mix of both). Mr Enciso insists that San Martinero meat is more delicious than that of purebred Zebu. If diners develop a taste for it, perhaps fewer jaguars will be shot.


翻译 ▍陌上,下罗小柜员,Neo,夏凉生

审核 ▍白夜叉

编辑 ▍Joi

Try to translate 

Mr Enciso reports that both purebred San Martinero cows and the offspring of Zebus that have been inseminated by San Martinero bulls do indeed stick together when jaguars approach. 

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