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取经号JTW  · 公众号  ·  · 2018-01-11 23:12




作者:Deena Shanker

译者:邓小雪 & 倪停


策划:陈怡蓓 & 周伍豪

Buying organic veggies at the supermarket is a waste of money


本文选自 Quartz | 取经号原创翻译

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It has happened to all of us. You’re standing in the produce aisle, just trying to buy some zucchini, when you face the inevitable choice: Organic or regular?


It’s a loaded question that can mean many different things, sometimes all at once: Healthy or pesticide-drenched? Tasty or bland? Fancy or basic? Clean or dirty? Good or bad?


But here’s the most important question for many customers: Is it worth the extra money?


The answer: Probably not.


Higher price doesn’t really mean higher quality


It’ll come as no surprise to most shoppers that organic produce is typically more expensive than the other options. In March, a Consumer Reports analysis found that, on average, the prices on organic foods were 47% higher than on their conventional counterparts . USDA numbers bear out this difference too. The wholesale price of a 25-pound sack of organic carrots in San Francisco in 2013, for example, was more than three times the price of a conventional bag.

大多数消费者都会发现有机产品卖的更贵。3月的《消费者报告》分析指出,有机食品的价格平均比 同类普通食品 高出47%。美国农业部的数据也印证了这一点。2013年,25磅一袋的有机胡萝卜在旧金山的批发价比普通胡萝卜贵三倍。

counterpart /ˈkaʊntəˌpɑːt/ N-COUNT Someone's or something's counterpart is another person or thing that has a similar function or position in a different place. 对应的人或物

(It’s worth noting that not all items see such drastic markups all the time: Three-pound cartons of mesclun were only 23% more expensive, according to the USDA, and sometimes organic produce is actually the less expensive option—but that’s a rarity.)


But this price difference does not just reflect the added cost of organic agriculture techniques: It’s also because people will pay more for the label—often without knowing what it means. “Organic” has essentially become another way of saying “luxury.”


As a study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found, the “ premium ” markup on organic food is 29-32%, when only a 5-7% markup would be needed to break even—making organic farms more profitable than conventional ones. (Of course, it takes three years of organic practices to get certified, so farmers may still be left covering their additional investment after that period.)

《美国国家科学院学报》上的一篇文章指出,有机食品的 溢价 高达29%~32%,但实际上只需要5%~7%就能保证收支平衡——令有机农场比普通农村的利润更高(当然,有机产品获得认证还需要3年,所以农场主后续可能还会有其他的投入)。

premium /'priːmiəm,ˋprimɪəm/ n.[C] an additional amount of money, above a standard rate or amount 加付款;额外费用

Organic produce is not necessarily better for the environment


There is little doubt that synthetic pesticides and fertilizers substances can have negative impacts on the environment, from potentially endangering pollinators to polluting natural waterways. But many organic farmers, especially the large ones, don’t skip pesticides and fertilizers—they just use natural options, which are hardly risk-free.


In 2010, a study found that some organic pesticides can actually have a worse environmental impacts than conventional ones. Plus, a recent study found that because organic agriculture is now done mostly en masse by big corporations (what’s known dismissively by advocates as “Walmart organic”), the lower yields combined with the use of heavy machinery means it actually releases more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than conventional farming.


Any health benefits from organic produce are teeny-tiny


The science available thus far says any additional nutritional benefits from organic produce, compared with conventional, are very small.


A 2009 meta-analysis said there was no nutrient difference in organic versus conventional. Since then, two larger meta-analyses have found slight differences, but ones that are probably too small to really matter. The 2012 study found slightly higher phosphorous levels in the organic produce, and a 2014 study found higher antioxidant levels and lower cadmium levels in organic foods.

2009年一项综合分析认为,有机食品和常规食品在营养上并不存在差异。此后,两项更大规模的研究发现两者之间存在轻微的差别,但是差异很可能微小到可以忽略不计。2012年的一项研究发现,有机产品的含磷量稍高,2014年的研究则发现,有机食品的 抗氧化 水平更高,而且含镉量更低。

antioxidant [ˌæn.ti'ɒk.sɪ.dənt]  noun countable  a substance which slows down the rate at which something decays because of oxidization (= combining with oxygen) 抗氧化剂,阻氧化剂,防老(化)剂

But as Jeffrey Blumberg, a professor of nutrition at Tufts University told NPR, because there are so many variations within organic and conventional production systems, drawing overarching conclusions about their products isn’t really methodologically sound. And any differences in nutrition are relatively insignificant. Ultimately, if you want more nutrients, eat more vegetables, organic or not.

塔夫茨大学营养学教授杰弗里 •布隆伯格在接受美国国家公共广播电台采访时指出,由于有机产品和常规产品在生产系统上存在很多差异,对有机食品和常规食品做出一个 总体性 结论,这在研究方法上是有问题的。并且,两者在营养上的差异微乎其微。从根本上来说,如果要摄入更多的营养,可以多吃蔬菜,无论是有机的或是常规的。

overarching [ˌoʊ.vɚ'ɑ:r-] adjective most important, because including or affecting all other areas 首要的;包罗万象的,支配一切的

Even the “Dirty Dozen” vegetables we’re told to avoid aren’t really that dirty


Every year, the Environmental Working Group puts out a highly anticipated list called the “Dirty Dozen“—the fruits and vegetables it says have the highest pesticide residues, and are therefore most worth buying organic.


But in 2011, scientists from the University of California published a report finding that even the fruits and vegetables in the Dirty Dozen had less than 2% of the maximum allowable amount of the measured pesticides established by the US Environmental Protection Agency. The researchers criticized EWG’s methodology and concluded that that there was no “appreciable reduction of consumer risks” in eating these organic foods.


For its part, EWG told Quartz that it disagrees with Winters’ conclusions for several reasons, including that they used the risk for adults, not children, in their calculations, and that they looked at average amounts instead of the highest levels used.


Organic farms don’t treat their workers any better


Farm work is hard and those doing it are often exploited. Unfortunately, this is no less true at organic farms—the USDA certification doesn’t include any labor requirements.


In 2006, the eco-minded news site Grist published a story detailing the many ways organic farmworkers were being mistreated, including violations of minimum wage laws, laborers allegedly being barred from speaking with inspectors, and sexual discrimination.


“The exploitative conditions that farmworkers face in the US are abysmal—it’s a human-rights crisis,” Richard Mandelbaum, a policy analyst at the Farmworker Support Committee, told Grist. “In terms of wages and labor rights, there’s really no difference between organic and conventional.”


And there’s no reason to expect your organic vegetables to taste better, either
