唐纳德·特朗普总统宣布成立一家合资企业,与软银集团公司、OpenAI LLC和甲骨文公司的领导人合作,为价值数十亿美元的人工智能基础设施提供资金,旨在加快新兴技术的发展。
与特朗普同行的还有软银的 Masayoshi Son、OpenAI 的 Sam Altman 和甲骨文的 Larry Ellison。Son 表示,该合资企业将“立即”部署 1000 亿美元,并计划将人工智能项目(包括数据中心和实体园区)增加到“至少”5000 亿美元。公司包括 Microsoft Corp.和 Nvidia Corp. 预计也将参与其中。
“AI 为我们所有人、每个美国人都带来了难以置信的希望,”Ellison 说。
据一位知情人士透露,孙正义上个月刚刚访问了马阿拉歌庄园,宣布软银将在即将到来的总统任期内花费 1000 亿美元,周二的宣布就是从这一努力中得出的。Ellison 表示,该项目正在考虑的一些数据中心已经在建设中,OpenAI 也已经广泛概述了投资 AI 基础设施的计划。
标准普尔 500 指数中超过 400 只股票在周二的交易中上涨,该指标上涨近 1%,因为市场预期特朗普将推出新的人工智能投资举措。甲骨文股价上涨 7%,而一只备受关注的追踪 AI 敞口公司的交易所交易基金创下三年新高。
特朗普已发出信号,将采取广泛的方法确保美国在 AI 领域的领导地位。在上任前两周,他宣布迪拜亿万富翁侯赛因·萨贾瓦尼 (Hussain Sajwani) 将投资 200 亿美元,用于美国各地的新数据中心。周一,在宣誓就职后不久,他取消了乔·拜登 (Joe Biden) 施加的人工智能护栏,并签署了一系列措施,以促进美国能源发展,以满足数据中心激增的电力需求。
但是,对于这项被两家公司称为“星际之门”(Stargate)的计划是否真的比以前的计划大幅增加,人们仍然持怀疑态度。上个月 Son 的公告引发了人们对软银将从何处获得资金来为其计划提供资金的疑问。截至 9 月底,该公司的资产负债表上有 3.8 万亿日元(250 亿美元)的现金和等价物。
自赢得第二个任期以来,特朗普一直与硅谷交往,包括埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)、马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)、杰夫·贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)、蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)和桑达尔·皮查伊(Sundar Pichai)在内的知名高管周一在美国国会大厦与他一起参加了宣誓就职仪式。
OpenAI 的 Altman 花了几个月的时间试图在政府和行业领导者之间组建一个全球联盟,以支持增加芯片、能源和数据中心容量的供应,以支持人工智能的发展。该公司还向拜登政府提出了对大型数据中心的需求,这些数据中心的用电量相当于整个城市的电力。
软银此前曾投资了 OpenAI 的最新一轮融资。OpenAI 首席财务官 Sarah Friar 上个月告诉彭博新闻社,它被软银吸引是因为该公司“拥有大量资金”,并准备将这些资金进行投资,包括“在电力和数据中心等领域”。
Microsoft Corp.、Amazon.com Inc. 和 Oracle 等云基础设施提供商一直在竞相通过构建新的数据中心来扩展计算容量。甲骨文已经承诺投入数十亿美元来建设新的数据中心 — 预计该公司本财年的资本支出将翻一番,达到 140 亿美元以上,这在很大程度上要归功于这些项目。
SoftBank Pledges $100 Billion US Investment at Trump Event
President-elect Donald Trump announced that SoftBank Group Corp. planned to invest $100 billion in the US over the next four years during an event alongside Chief Executive Officer Masayoshi Son on Monday.
当选总统唐纳德特朗普宣布,软银集团公司。周一,在与首席执行官孙正义(Masayoshi Son)一起举行的一次活动中,该公司计划未来四年在美国投资1000亿美元。
“He’s doing this because he feels very optimistic about our country since the election,” Trump said, adding that the pledge represented a “demonstration of confidence in America’s future.”
“I’m very, very excited,” Son, who met with Trump at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, told reporters. “I would really like to celebrate the great victory of President Trump and my confidence level to the economy of the United States has tremendously increased with his victory.”
The plan includes a pledge to create 100,000 jobs focused on artificial intelligence and related infrastructure, including investments in data centers, semiconductors and energy, according to a person familiar with the plan.
The SoftBank announcement immediately prompted the question of where the company will get the capital for its latest pledge. During Trump’s last term, Son was raising his $100 billion Vision Fund with money from outside investors and poured the cash into startups such as WeWork, Uber Technologies Inc. and DoorDash Inc.
软银的声明立即引发了一个问题,即该公司将从哪里获得最新承诺的资金。在特朗普的最后一个任期内,孙正义用外部投资者的资金筹集了1000亿美元的愿景基金,并将现金投入了WeWork,Uber Technologies Inc.等初创公司。关于DoorDash Inc.
SoftBank doesn’t have the cash on hand to deliver on Son’s pledge this time. The company had the 3.8 trillion yen ($25 billion) in cash and equivalents on its balance at the end of September. Still, the company’s finances have recovered with the initial public offering of chip design firm Arm Holdings Plc. SoftBank still owns about 90% of Arm, which now has a market capitalization of about $160 billion.
软银手头没有现金来兑现孙正义的承诺。截至9月底,该公司拥有3.8万亿日圆(合250亿美元)的现金和等价物。尽管如此,随着芯片设计公司Arm Holdings Plc的首次公开募股,该公司的财务状况已经恢复。软银仍持有Arm约90%的股份,该公司目前市值约为1600亿美元。
Shares of SoftBank climbed 3.3% in early Tokyo trading on Tuesday, bringing their gain this year to 55%.
The Japanese billionaire joins a number of technology executives angling to win favor from the incoming administration. OpenAI CEO Sam Altman will give $1 million to Trump’s inaugural fund after having previously donated to President Joe Biden’s 2024 reelection campaign. Meta Platforms Inc., Amazon.com Inc. and artificial intelligence startup Perplexity have also pledged $1 million apiece.
这位日本亿万富翁加入了许多科技高管的行列,试图赢得即将上任的政府的青睐。OpenAI首席执行官Sam Altman将向特朗普的就职基金捐赠100万美元,此前他曾向拜登总统2024年的连任竞选捐款。Meta Platforms Inc.,Amazon.com www.example.com和人工智能创业公司Perplexity也各自承诺了100万美元。
Read More: OpenAI CEO, Perplexity Give $1 Million to Trump’s Inaugural Fund
Trump on Monday marveled at his embrace by business executives, saying it was a stark difference from his first term.
“In the first term everybody was fighting. In this term, everybody wants to be my friend,” he said.
Read More: Trump Touts CEOs Flocking to Mar-a-Lago to Be His ‘Friend’
Son forged a strong relationship with Trump the last time he was president, making a similar visit to Trump Tower in December 2016 and promising the creation of 50,000 jobs as part of a $50 billion investment.
SoftBank was one of several companies that made such pledges at the time. The company did actively invest in US companies through its Vision Fund investment vehicle. But Softbank later ran into trouble as many of its deals floundered, including a multi-billion dollar investment in WeWork, the office space startup that ultimately filed for bankruptcy.
Son’s announcement this time marks the highest-profile commitment by a company to expand investment in the US since Trump’s election win. The president-elect promised during his campaign to boost the US economy by cutting corporate tax rates, using tariffs to spur domestic investment by foreign companies and rolling back regulations Republicans say have hampered economic growth.
Trump also promised to speed permitting for anyone willing to invest $1 billion or more for projects in the US. While he offered no specifics on how he would accelerate approvals, his pledge addressed a key concern among tech and energy companies that regulatory delays risk slowing upgrades to US energy infrastructure needed to drive development in AI.
“This is President Trump delivering on the promise he made to the American people on the campaign trail that he was going to make the United States of America the manufacturing superpower of the world,” Karoline Leavitt, a spokeswoman for the Trump transition, told Fox Business on Monday.
But Trump also told voters that he wanted foreign-owned corporations to become US-based entities, pledging tax cuts and deregulation to lure companies onshore. The Softbank investment shows that is unlikely to come to fruition, with global companies eager to make announcements viewed favorably by Trump, but don’t want the commitment of uprooting their headquarters and supply chains.
It’s also unclear how much of the SoftBank pledge would be fresh investment. Even before the election, Son had been planning a $100 billion chip venture to develop chips for artificial intelligence, Bloomberg News reported.