专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-01-23 11:23


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)报道,越南热轧卷市场淡静,随着农历新年长假来临,市场参与者准备开始休假。本周市场上报价有限,主要原因是中国供应商缺席以及中国钢厂关闭。

TheVietnamese hot rolled coil import market has been quietas participants prepared to leave for their long lunar new yearholiday, Kallanish notes. Limited offers were in the marketduring the week largely due to the absence of Chinese suppliers and the closureof Chinese exporting mills.

周二对中国 SAE 1006 2mm 及以上热轧卷的报价为 520 美元 / cfr ,对日本热轧卷的报价也在 520 美元 / cfr 。一位越南贸易商称,周三没有报价,从周四到 1 29 日,越南将进入休假状态。上周五主流报价为 520-525 美元 / cfr 越南。

Offer pricesfor SAE 1006 2mm and up hot rolled coil from China were heard on Tuesday at$520/tonne cfr, and from Japan, also at $520/t cfr. A Vietnamese trader reportsthat there are no offers on Wednesday as Vietnam will go on holiday fromThursday until 29 January. Offers last Friday were prevailing at$520-525/t cfr Vietnam.

两个价格较低的 3 /4 月船期独联体热轧卷报价引起注意。据闻一位韩国贸易商在周二对乌克兰 SAE 1006 小卷报价为 490 美元 / cfr 越南。一位贸易商在周三说,该报价对数量没有限制。

Theavailability of two low-priced CIS HRC offers for March/April shipment drewsome attention. A South Korean trader was heard on Tuesday to have offeredUkrainian small-coil SAE 1006 HRC at $490/t cfr Vietnam. The quantity of theoffer was not restricted, a trader says Wednesday.

同时, 6 万吨俄罗斯 SAE 1006 大卷报价为 505 美元 / cfr 越南。一位地区贸易商说,后者给人的印象是市场已经下滑。他认为并非如此,并认为印度 SAE 1006 2mm 及以上厚度的热轧卷报价高于 530 美元 / cfr 越南。

At the sametime, 60,000 tonnes of Russian-origin big-coil SAE 1006 HRC was offered at$505/t cfr Vietnam. The latter has given the impression to people that themarket has fallen, a regional trader says. He did not think that this was thecase and believed that Indian-origin SAE 1006 2mm and up thickness HRC offersis priced at above $530/t cfr Vietnam.

Kallanish 2-2.7mm SAE1006 热轧卷估价周三持平在 515-520 美元 / cfr 越南。

Kallanishmaintained its 2-2.7mm SAE1006 HRC assessment on Wednesday at $515-520/t cfrVietnam.
