翻译:Julia 来源: Julia法规翻译
Due to the Freedom of Information Act (FOI), the FDAmakes their inspection results available to the public. More rarely, however,the public gets informed about inspection results of EU supervisory authorities.The U.K. Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is apositive exception from this rule. Now, the 2016 GMP inspection deficiency datatrend has been published by MHRA's GMDP Inspectorate.
According to MHRA they have "improved the way ofgathering the inspection deficiency data". The new data trending can nowallow stakeholders to identify:
The severity and frequency by the EU GMP references
依据EU GMP所判定的缺陷严重性和频次
The overall number of deficiencies by categories: Critical, Major, Other
The high impact vs. high frequency issues
In 2016, the MHRA has inspected 242 UK manufacturersand performed 82 inspections overseas. In the top-ten list of"critical" and "major" deviations found in all inspectedareas, findings regarding the quality system rank first. And there is a newnumber two: "Sterility Assurance", which wasn't even in the top tenin 2015 (see illustration 1). This is similar to recent FDA findings andthe same number one as in the previous year.
Ranking 排名 | Groups 类别 | Critical 关键 | Major 重大 | Others 其它 |
1 | QualitySystem 质量体系 | 38 | 449 | 772 |
2 | SterilityAssurance 无菌保证 | 34
| 190 | 162 |
3 | Production 生产 | 20 | 191 | 543 |
4 | Complaintsand Recall 投诉和召回 | 11 | 80 | 110 |
5 | Qualification/Validation 确认/验证 | 10 | 123 | 232 |
6 | Premises&Equipment 设施&设备 | 9 | 113 | 464 |
| ComputerisedSystems 计算机化系统 | 9 | 44 | 120 |
8 | Personnel 人员 | 8 | 42 | 150 |
9 | Documentation 文件记录 | 2 | 166 | 646 |
10 | QualityControl 质量控制(QC) | 2 | 42 | 192 |
Most of the respective findings in Chapter 1 of theEU-GMP Guidelines (Pharmaceutical Quality System) refer to 1.4 describingthe pre-requisites for an appropriate Pharmaceutical Quality System and 1.8describing the Good Manufacturing Practices needed.
大多数相关的缺陷是在EU GMP指南第一章(PQS),参见1.4,其中描述了适当的PQS的前提,以及1.8,其中描述了所需的GMP。
Again, a lot of observations were made in the handlingof deviations and CAPA, as can be seen in the examples given in thereport. But also quite a few deficiencies related to the lack ofseniormanagement oversight on effective implementation of pharmaceuticalquality system (PQS) and the Product Quality Review (PQR) were made.As in the previous year, the MHRA also focuses on ensuring that updates to EUGMP were captured, reviewed and implemented.
然后,在偏差和CAPA处理方面发现了大量缺陷,在报告的例子中可以看出。但还有一小部分缺陷是关于高层缺乏对PQS和PQR有效实施的监管。在前一年,MHRA也聚集于确保获取、审核和实施EU GMP的更新内容。
The report lists examples for all relevant chaptersand annexes of the EU GMP Guidelines, allowing stakeholders to "performtheir own assessment against the deficiency findings as part of self-inspectionand continuous improvement".
报告列出EU GMP指南所有相关章节和附录的例子,让干系人可以“针对缺陷执行自我评估,作为自检和持续改进的一部分”。
When it comes to Annex 16 for example (Certificationby a Qualified Person and Batch Release), a Qualified Person (QP) can get aview on what is expected. And this year, some observations were made at theGMP/GDP interface:
"Arrangements for temperature monitoring of air shipments did not justify why data loggers were not required in every pallet."
"Procedures allowed mean kinetic temperature (MKT) to be used to assess temperature excursions but did not require an investigation to be performed into the cause of the excursion."
"Several products were routinely imported into the EU from the USA and stored at site for onward export to other third countries, however these were not subject to QP certification before being released for this export supply"