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英文早点丨0901 - 克林菲尔特综合征,无法治愈吗?

考研英语时事阅读  · 公众号  · 考研  · 2019-09-01 07:01



三年前,(现年)31岁的保罗(化名)因胃痛去看医生。他的血液测试结果显示睾酮水平较低。他说:“我们去看了泌尿科医生,他直截了当地说,我们没有任何选择让我的精子带孩子——我们必须使用捐助者或领养。”“我妻子立刻哭了起来。”这对夫妇自2015年结婚以来一直在为一个孩子而努力。保罗也很震惊。“这给我带来了太多的压力,因为我觉得我不能给我的妻子或家人他们如此迫切的想要的东西。” 最后,保罗被诊断为克林费尔特综合征。


A little learning is a dangerous thing.——Pope


Three years ago, Paul (not his real name), now 31, went to the doctor with stomach pains. His blood test came back with low testosterone levels. Eventually, Paul was diagnosed with Klinefelter syndrome. Affecting about one in 600 men, it is one of the most common genetic conditions in the UK, yet most people have never heard of it – including many who have it.

Its symptoms – extra height, persistent tiredness, reduced bodily hair and small testes – can be difficult to identify, meaning it often goes unnoticed by patients and GPs. Untreated, however, it can lead to reduced testosterone and infertility, and even increased prevalence of testicular cancer.

The non-hereditary syndrome was first discovered in 1942. It is caused by the presence of an extra X chromosome, resulting in XXY, as opposed to XY. With only one in six men who have Klinefelter’s ever diagnosed, even though symptoms often emerge during puberty, it may be one of the leading unexplored causes of infertility. Now, the first clinic in the UK to deal solely with Klinefelter’s has opened at Guy’s hospital in London – and its clinicians believe it could revolutionise its treatment and diagnosis.

文本选自 The Guardian(卫报)

作者: Ammar Kalia

原文标题 Klinefelter syndrome: many men have an extra X chromosome – but it is rarely diagnosed

原文发布时间 :29 July 2019



英 [ˈdaɪəɡnəʊz] 美 [ˌdaɪəɡˈnoʊs]

  • v. 诊断(疾病);判断(问题的原因)


英 [ˌɪnfɜːˈtɪlɪti]      美 [ˌɪnfərˈtɪlɪti]

  • n. 不育症;不孕;不肥沃性,贫瘠性


英 ['prevələns]

  • n. 流行;卓越


英 [ˈpjuːbəti] 美 [ˈpjuːbərti]

  • n. 青春期



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