Because of the shift to online sales caused by the pandemic, and the need to store protective equipment,
much of the spare capacity
was mopped up
before the second lockdown.
1.shift: a change in position or direction
2.capacity: the number of things or people that a container or space can hold
3.mop: to complete or end sth by dealing with the final parts 抹尽(由抹布把水全部吸干这个意向进行的延伸)
CDC research indicates that 31 percent of Americans have reported anxiety and depression during the pandemic, and 11 percent have considered suicide. A national shortage in mental health clinicians existed before COVID-19.
Doctors are now turning to an unlikely solution: virtual reality (VR). When most people think of VR, they think of a gaming technology—a toy for
-up teens to play first-person shooter games in their parents’ basement. But for decades, scientists around the world have been quietly discovering the surprising health benefits of VR for
ranging from severe pain, to PTSD, to substance use, to existential anxiety.
VR works by creating a sense of psychological presence. When VR scientists speak of presence, they mean the technology has a unique ability to convey a sense of just “being there,” wherever there happens to be. It might be relaxing by the ocean or soaring in a
hang glider
or swimming with dolphins without leaving their
VR的工作原理是创造一种心理上的身临其境感。当VR科学家说到这种感觉时,他们指的是这项技术有一种独特的能力,可以传达一种 “身处其中”的感觉,无论它发生在何地。人们在不离开他们的沙发的情况下,就可能实现在海边放松,或乘坐悬挂式滑翔机翱翔,或与海豚游泳。
In all of these cases, if the VR is any good, the user feels transported to a new virtual environment and temporarily accepts it as reality. When used in the right way, at the right time and with the right patient, these virtual journeys can change mind and body for the better, all from the comfort of home.
Until recently, VR technology has been too expensive, unreliable and unwieldy for doctors to prescribe home-based virtual therapeutics.
Now that’s all changed, and the timing couldn’t be better given the mental health crisis of COVID-19. In the past five years, multinational companies, including Facebook, Google, HP and others, have invested billions of dollars into developing and expanding the VR industry. As a result, explosive advances have been made in delivering low-cost, portable and high-quality VR to the masses.