其次,关于DFT计算,我们面临了复杂的挑战。反应物复合物可以形成多种不同的构象,使得计算变得非常复杂。尽管这方面我不是专家,但我们的合作伙伴Rachele Zunino(共同一作)非常出色地解决了这个问题,成功地展示了合理的反应机制。
We encountered two main difficulties in this research. First was developing a quantitative measurement of the selectivity parameter. Previously, new selective ROP catalysts reported in the literature usually relied solely on GPC results, which are not precise enough for good comparison between different catalysts. To address this, we designed kinetic experiments to provide a more accurate estimation of the selectivity ratio of chain growth versus chain transfer, allowing us to make fair comparisons among many previous catalysts.
Second, regarding DFT calculations, we faced challenges due to the many different conformations that reactant complexes can access, making the computations very complex. Although I am not an expert in this area, our collaborator Rachele Zunino brilliantly tackled this issue and was able to demonstrate a reasonable reaction mechanism.