专栏名称: 瑞达利欧RayDalio
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51好读  ›  专栏  ›  瑞达利欧RayDalio

《每日原则》: 每个人都有权利和责任尽力了解重要的事情,在此过程中必须保持谦逊和非常开放的心态。

瑞达利欧RayDalio  · 公众号  ·  · 2019-07-02 12:00


如果你的可信度不够高,在师生关系中就应先做一个学生——保持必要的谦虚和开放。 当然并不是说你不了解情况,而是你必须 先假定是这样,直到你以他人视角观察了相关问题之后。 如果此时 你对问题仍存不解,而且觉得老师不明白,可以求助于其他可信度高的人。 如果仍无法达成一致,那么应假定是你自己错了。 但如果你能说服一些可信度高的人相信你的观点,你应当确保让你的想法被决策者听到并予以考虑,在这个过程中可以寻求可信度高的人协助。 请记住,那些在报告路线上职级更高的人, 需要从更多的人中根据预期值找到最好的想法,同时也有更多的人想要向他们说明自己的想法。 因此,他们的时间 很有限,需要依概率行事。 如果你的想法经受了来自那些可信度较高的支持者的压力测试,它就有较大的可能性被高层获知。反过来,报告路线上的高层也必须就 什么是合理的与手下人员尽量达成共识。 达成共识的人越多, 大家的能力和投入度就会越高。

When you are less believable, start by taking on the role of a student in a student-teacher relationship—with appropriate humility and open-mindedness. While it is not necessarily you who doesn’t understand, you must assume this until you have seen the issue through the other’s eyes.  If the issue still doesn’t make sense to you and you think that your teacher just doesn’t get it, appeal to other believable people. If you still can’t reach an agreement, assume you are wrong. If, on the other hand, you are able to convince a number of believable people of your point of view, then you should make sure your thinking is heard and considered by the person deciding, probably with the help of the other believable parties. Remember that those who are higher in the reporting hierarchy have more people they are trying to sort through on an expected value basis to get the best thinking and more people who want to tell them what they think, so they are time-constrained and have to play the probabilities. If your thinking has been stress-tested by other believable people who support you, it has a greater probability of being heard. Conversely, those higher in the reporting hierarchy must strive to achieve the goal of getting in sync with those lower in the hierarchy about what makes sense. The more people get in sync about what makes sense, the more capable and committed people will be.
