专栏名称: Kallanish国际钢铁资讯
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Kallanish国际钢铁资讯  · 公众号  ·  · 2020-10-14 09:52


Kallanish (开阑商务信息咨询)报道,中国的方坯进口价格正在上涨。一些看涨后市的贸易商最近在市场上建立多头头寸。

Billetimport prices are rising in China, Kallanish notes. Certainbullish traders are seen to be recently taking long positions in the market.

上周五,来自越南的一批 2 万吨 3sp 高炉方坯以 445 美元 / cfr 中国( 435 美元 / fob )成交。上周初,另一位贸易商以 427 美元 / fob 从同一家越南钢厂订购了类似数量的货物。两者均为 12 月船期。

A 20,000-tonne cargo of 3sp blast furnace billet from Vietnam was booked last Friday at$445/tonne cfr China ($435/t fob). Early last week, another trader bookeda similar tonnage from the same Vietnamese mill at $427/t fob. Both are December-shipment cargoes.

中国方坯市场表现强劲。过去五天,国内方坯价格上涨 50 / 吨( 7 美元 / 吨),周二唐山方坯价格为 3,420 / 吨( 508 美元 / 吨)。与节前相比,价格上涨了 120 / 吨。

The Chinese billet market has been performing strongly. Domestic billet prices rose by CNY50/t ($7/t) in the past five days to CNY 3,420/t ($508/t) in Tangshan on Tuesday. Compared to before the holiday, prices have risen by CNY 120/t.

一位贸易商称,目前报价在 445 美元 / cfr 中国。他听说这是一家韩国钢铁公司的报价,并猜测这是 12 月船期的货物。

Offers are prevailing at $445/t cfr China, a trader says. He hears this is the offer pricefrom a Korean steel company and guesses it is for December shipment.

但一些中国贸易商表示,市场并没有如此升温。一位中国贸易商在周二表示,现在市场上的进口商数量有限。他认为,按照目前的现货价格,中国进口商的还盘最高为 440 美元 / cfr 中国。

But the market has not heated up so much, some Chinese traders say. Only a limited number ofimporters are in the market now, a Chinese trader said on Tuesday. At currentspot prices, he thinks that Chinese importers will bid at up to$440/t cfr China.

同时,在东南亚,贸易商正在考虑一宗伊朗方坯交易,因为其目的地不同寻常。据悉,这批包含 130mm/150mm 方坯的 5 万吨货物被一些买家以 440 美元 / cfr 菲律宾的价格预订。这批货物为 11 月底 /12 月上半月船期,听说是在 9 月下半月达成的交易。

Meanwhile,in Southeast Asia, traders are pondering over an Iranian billet booking because of its unusual destination. The 50,000t cargo comprising 130mm/150mm billet washeard booked by a few buyers at $440/t cfr Philippines. The cargo is forend-November/first-half December shipment and was heard booked in the secondhalf of September.

一位地区贸易商称,伊朗货物出口到菲律宾不同寻常,因为菲律宾政府批准的检验机构会对所有进口货物进行强制检验。一位马尼拉贸易商表示,与主流市场水平相比,如果伊朗方坯的折扣超过 5-10 美元 / 吨,“……客户可能会赌一把”。他补充说,文件可能会被适当“……做些手脚”,否则将无法通过海关的审查。

An Iranian cargo going to the Philippines is unusual because of mandatory inspectionsby a Philippine government-approved inspection agency for all imports, aregional trader says. A Manila trader says that "…customers cangamble" if the discount for Iranian billet is more than $5-10/t fromprevailing market levels. Documents should be properly "…doctored" or they will not pass the scrutiny of Customs, he adds.
