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【报名】Can Studying in China really create jobs for Africans?

北京大学光华管理学院  · 公众号  ·  · 2017-12-08 20:15


在“一带一路”推动下中非建立起全面战略合作伙伴关系,如今中国已是非洲最大贸易伙伴、最大就业创造者和第三大投资来源国,双方经贸联系空前紧密。中非不仅达成在基础设施建设、工业、农业、卫生和环境领域等多方面的合作协议,中非教育交流与合作的迅猛发展更是为中非友好关系的建立起到了重要的推动作用。随着中国经济发展和国际地位的提高,越来越多的非洲学生愿意到中国来学习,中资企业对非洲学生的吸引力也在逐年提高,来华学习究竟会不会助力非洲学子有更好的职业发展?在华读书能否成为非洲青年就业的试金石?我们邀请到Development Reimagined的CEO Hannah Ryder女士为大家深度解析这一话题,欢迎大家参与!

About the Speaker

Hannah Wanjie Ryder (芮 婉 洁) is CEO of Development Reimagined (睿纳新国际咨询) - the first ever Kenyan Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise in China, a pioneering consultancy/think-tank focused on improving Chinese and international organisations and businesses’contributions to global poverty reduction, particularly in Africa and through green growth. She is also China representative for China Africa Advisory. She brings to both these organisations over 15 years of high-profile, hands-on policy, research, and management experience from around the world. This includes 2 years leading a 20-plus UN team supporting Chinese foreign aid and cooperation, 6 years bolstering development cooperation – including in Ethiopia, Nigeria, Indonesia and Korea - and 6 years as the UK’s climate change finance negotiator.

About this Event

China is currently the second most popular country, surpassing the likes of the USA and UK, for African students studying abroad, and the numbers are expected to rise in the future.

This dramatic increase in students from Africa to China is in part the result of the growth of China-African ties, as well as China’s targeted focus on strengthening African human resource and education development by providing both financial and political support for African education at home and abroad in China.

To really understand the motives of African students coming to China and what China has to offer, two key questions arise:

-What are the main reasons for African students coming to China to pursue an education or career?

-Can studying in China really create jobs for Africans?

Join us to listen to a personal and data-driven lecture on the history & trends of African students in China and what next for the future by Hannah Ryder, the CEO of the first-ever Kenyan Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise in China and the China representative for China Africa Advisory.

时间: 2017年12月12日(周二),19:00-20:30

Time:7:00PM to 8:30PM, Tuesday, Dec. 12th

地点:朝阳区农展馆南路5号京朝大厦9层Inn Cube

Venue:Inn Cube, Ninth Floor, Jing Chao Building, No.5 Nongzhanguan Nan Road, Chaoyang District




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